Illinois concealed carry application. 7th St Springfield IL 62703 217-782-7980 www.
Illinois concealed carry application il. Then you can submit your application online. To submit a request for curriculum approval, complete the Request for Approval of a Concealed Carry License Firearms Curriculum form and mail to the address provided on the form. Applying for a CCL varies by state. 7th St Springfield IL 62703 217-782-7980 www. Nov 11, 2024 · Illinois is a shall-issue state, meaning that Illinois State Police must issue a concealed carry license if the applicant meets certain qualifications. Find out the requirements, fees, documents, and steps for the online application process. Applicants must be at least 21 years old and possess a valid Firearm Owner’s Identification (FOID) card, which requires a background check and is issued by the Illinois State Police. You will be required to upload your electronic certificate during the application process. Here is a breakdown of the process: 1. However, Illinois differs from other states in that it still gives law enforcement the right to object to a concealed carry license being issued if they think the applicant is a danger to public safety or himself/herself. isp. It doesn't have to be. Learn how to apply for an Illinois Concealed Carry License as a resident or a non-resident. This law requires an Illinois Concealed Carry License to carry a concealed firearm in Illinois. Complaint forms may be submitted electronically to Academy_Conceal_Carry@isp. state. Read our complete Illinois INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROTECT ILLINOIS COMMUNITIES ACT Who needs to submit an affidavit? Click HERE Frequently asked questions are HERE The assault weapon identification guide is HERE Firearm Concealed Carry Act are eligible to obtain an Illinois CCL. The Illinois State Police shall notify the applicant for a concealed carry license electronically to confirm if all the required information and materials have been received. Eligibility Requirements for the Application of a Valid Concealed Carry License. What to have prepared for the application process: your Illinois Concealed Carry Renewal Class-3hr training certificate; a current digital photo (color; from head to shoulders; no hats or sunglasses) a credit card to pay the $150 ISP application fee; your ISP website account user ID, and password (see below if you have lost this information) Feb 20, 2021 · (a) Whenever an application for a concealed carry license is denied, whenever the Department fails to act on an application within 90 days of its receipt, or whenever a license is revoked or suspended as provided in this Act, the aggrieved party may appeal to the Director for a hearing upon the denial, revocation, suspension, or failure to act Feb 20, 2024 · The Illinois State Police are required to issue or deny a concealed carry license within 90 days of receiving a completed application. 16 hours of Concealed Carry firearms training provided by an ISP approved Instructor. In Illinois, individuals are required to have an Illinois Concealed Carry License (CCL) to legally carry a concealed firearm. If applying through the paper method, the paper affidavit need not be notarized. As per these requirements, the applicant must: Nov 3, 2020 · However, this is Illinois and the CCL Review has been running a backlog since Oct. Illinois Concealed Carry License. The Firearms Services Bureau, through its Firearm Owner’s Identification Card Program (FOID), determines the eligibility of applicants who wish to acquire, possess, or transfer firearms. I heard yesterday from an applicant who was under board review since Nov. On July 9, 2013, Public Act 98-63, the Firearm Concealed Carry Act became state law (430 ILCS 66). An electronic copy of a valid concealed carry license from my home state. Please see our FAQs about out-of-state application requirements. . us, or may be mailed to the following address: Illinois State Police We get a lot of questions in regards to how you get an Illinois Concealed Carry permit. Discover everything you need to know about obtaining an Illinois CCL (Concealed Carry License). Qualification Qualifications for a license are - at least 21 years old, apply for and/or possess a current FOID card, and: Pass a state and federal background check. 2019. I'll show you where you can get training for the concealed carry To file a complaint regarding an approved Illinois Concealed Carry Instructors with the Illinois State Police, please complete the form listed below and return to the Illinois State Police. Illinois has strict regulations regarding firearm possession and carrying, and individuals must undergo background checks, fingerprinting, and firearms Search below for instructors approved to conduct Illinois concealed carry firearms training. us: Permit Issuing Authority: Illinois State Police: Length of Permit Validity: 5 years: Permit Application Process: First you must obtain a FOID card. Back to top Approved instructors must use only approved curriculum when teaching applicants for an Illinois Concealed Carry License. There are many reasons and ways to carry a concealed weapon, but the first step is knowing . To apply or check on your status, click Enter below: Law enforcement personnel only! Concealed Carry License On July 9, 2013, Public Act 98-63, the Firearm Concealed Carry Act became state law (430 ILCS 66). Jan 7, 2022 · When applying for a replacement CCL online, no paper affidavit is required. If an applicant for a concealed carry license submits his or her application electronically, the Illinois State Police shall notify the applicant electronically if his or Jul 9, 2013 · (a) Whenever an application for a concealed carry license is denied, whenever the Department fails to act on an application within 90 days of its receipt, or whenever a license is revoked or suspended as provided in this Act, the aggrieved party may appeal to the Director for a hearing upon the denial, revocation, suspension, or failure to act Jan 7, 2022 · Cards Remain Valid Upon Submission of a Renewal Application: Original card remains valid upon submission of a renewal application: 1/7/2022: CCL Out-of-State Affidavit: Affidavit that must be submitted by out-of-state CCL applicant. The Bureau also administers the state’s Concealed Carry Licensing (CCL) program. 12/10/2024: How to Create Your Public Web User A person seeking to become a certified Illinois Concealed Carry Firearms Instructor shall: be at least 21 years of age; be a legal resident of the United States and qualified for a Concealed Carry License in Illinois; possess a high school diploma or GED certificate; and, have at least one of the following valid firearms instructor certifications: Jan 6, 2025 · The application process for a concealed carry license in Illinois is governed by the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Read about the process for getting a . Footer. To carry a concealed firearm in the State of Illinois, state law requires an Illinois Concealed Carry License. below. Based on the passage of HB 562 (2021), the following process will be implemented as of January 1, 2022. Illinois Concealed Carry License Application Process How to Apply for a Illinois Concealed Carry License. Illinois State Police 801 S. See 3,000+ New Gun Deals HERE Can I carry a concealed weapon in Illinois if I have a felony conviction? View All Services. Illinois is a “shall issue” state, meaning that it is incumbent upon the Illinois State Police to issue concealed carry licenses to applicants if they comply with all the requirements set out under the law. Understand the state's concealed carry laws, responsibilities, and empower yourself with the right knowledge for safe and legal gun ownership. I'll walk you through step by step on how to apply for the Illinois Concealed Carry License. To list all instructors, leave all search fields blank, then click the SEARCH button below. Concealed Carry License Applicant Q: What is the cost for an Illinois Concealed Carry License? $150 for 5 years for Illinois residents $300 for 5 years for out-of-state residents Q: How does a citizen apply for an Illinois Concealed Carry License? In short you must take a qualifying course, submit the appropriate paperwork, pay the fee, and pass the background check. 2019 and received numerous letters saying they needed another 30 days. Please Note: If you possess a Medical Marijuana License, are a caregiver pursuant to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act, and/or otherwise use cannabis consistent with Illinois law, your FOID card or CCL will not be revoked User ID and/or Password Recovery/Validation: Once you have created your web user you will need to validate the information so that you can recover your data in the event you lose your username and or password. Currently, the only states considered to be substantially similar are Hawaii , New Mexico , South Carolina and Virginia. You must be certified by the Illinois State Police to conduct Illinois concealed carry firearms training. Illinois's concealed carry laws. Electronic Copy of my training certificate(s). This applies to both residents and qualifying non-residents. piy fkdpv dbvov lzongc afpaj kjlatza hgy hhpiszed ibrlqtq zrsj