Linq select multiple columns with alias. Linq Syntax - Selecting multiple .

Linq select multiple columns with alias The result will just be IQueryable<string> or whatever column type you have, no anonymous type with names or anything. authors where name == "Jean Paul" && surname == "Olvera" orderby x. Selecting Multiple Columns into One List You can select multiple fields using linq Select as shown above in various examples this will return as an Anonymous Type. idUser, u. ColumnName]; Aug 6, 2018 · Is there a way to force Entity Framwork to use the alias of a subquery instead of doubling it for an OrderBy? var results = Users. var result = from x in entity join y in entity2 on new { x. Since this is a dynamic report, I am not using any concrete class to map the report as this will result in exporting empty column headers in the report, which is unnecessary. PrefactorProduct . Create a data source. Generic; using System. ProductName, SomeName2 = r. USER_NAME == givenInfo) . Name, x. Linq; class Program . Item2 }). 2. ColumnB } Nov 17, 2022 · I have the following query: var list = ( from au in context. GroupName are columns and of the same type your query should work. The method chaining equivalent would be:- . Name as 'Store', store. var query = db. It shows how useful linq group by multiple columns c# can be for summarizing grouped data with easy code. I have only been able to return individual items/columns. StartsWith("B_") select row[col. You can feed this IQueryable extension method an anonymous object containing all properties that you might ever want to group by (with matching type!) and a list of property names that you want to use for this group call. SelectMany(item => item). i tried the below code it selects all columns from Hospital table which lead to slow performance. Jan 26, 2009 · If I have a table with a title column and 3 bit columns (f1, f2, f3) that contain either 1 or NULL, how would I write the LINQ to return the title with the count of each bit column that contains 1? I'm looking for the equivalent of this SQL query: SELECT title, COUNT(f1), COUNT(f2), COUNT(f3) FROM myTable GROUP BY title Oct 22, 2015 · In any case someone still needs grouping by dynamic columns without Dynamic LINQ and with type safety. I am using Dynamic Linq to deal with this scenario. Further EDIT Apr 19, 2017 · I need to select only two columns from Hospital table, HospitalId and Name. ColumnName. name," ", x. Select(x => new { x. Code, Profit = x. field2 } is the solution I referenced as assuming an equijoin above. If you need to select multiple columns, there are different approaches that can be used, depending on your needs. Dec 26, 2023 · Once you have created a data source, you can use the LINQ Select Multiple Columns method to select the columns you want from the data source. Select( u =&gt; new { u. id_author, fullName= String. Select(f => new List<int>() { f. ToListAsync(); SELECT [Name], [Code], CAST([Sold] AS In LINQ, the select clause is used to specify the properties or columns you want to retrieve from a data source. I am struggling with crating a way to do this. Price }) . Columns from DataRow row in stationTable. Is it possible in LINQ to join on multiple fields in a single join? EDIT. Guid? Sep 2, 2016 · LINQ C# select multiple columns by names in arrays. I have been stuck on this wayyy to long. surname) }; Otherwise, you can use let to do this: Aug 9, 2017 · As the other answers have indicated, you need to use an anonymous type. field1, y. Linq to sql alias fails. In LINQ, the select clause is used to specify the properties or columns you want to retrieve from a data source. I am quite new in LinqToSql. Viewed 1k times Mar 15, 2011 · Joining on multiple columns in Linq to SQL is a little different. OldClassNames select names; return query. . Modified 8 years, 4 months ago. Linq Syntax - Selecting multiple Jun 16, 2011 · It allows you to create instances of a completely different class, or even an anonymous class like in OP's case. ID }); Jun 20, 2011 · I'm trying to alias the string list with a named column: var providers = EMRRepository. Nov 7, 2013 · There are a couple of ways to approach this. Jun 24, 2014 · You can project result from your query to an Anonymous type and use different alias/field names for your fields. Guid? DirectorateOfHealthID = null, System. The SQL: SELECT store. Payment }); May 2, 2023 · In short, there is no support for a dynamic column list in the linq select. Collections. Old version. 4. As far as syntax is concerned, I personally far prefer method chaining. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 4 months ago. CodiceUtente equals ut. Persons Jan 29, 2019 · We have enabled the user to select the columns and get only selected columns' data in the exported file. Sold * x. *, CTRL_DATA_STREAM. Using C# lambda expressions to select multiple columns offers a concise and powerful way to manipulate data in your applications. In this guide, we will explore the following techniques: Using anonymous Jul 23, 2024 · In the above example, we have a collection of Student objects, and we use a lambda expression within the Select method to choose only the Id and Name columns for each student. public HttpResponseMessage GetAvailableHospitalsByAjax(System. If you have a more complex query with more columns or anonymous types you can use column aliases. // Sample data var students = new List<Student> Dec 26, 2023 · To use LINQ Select Multiple Columns, you can follow these steps: 1. Where(x => x. Concat(x. ColumnA, t2. GetProviders(). This simple example of linq group by select groups data by one column and calculates the total value. Products . var items = listObject. Jun 20, 2017 · I am trying to select multiple columns by using LinqToSql, but I am having a hard time with it. The LINQ Select Multiple Columns method is a method of the Enumerable interface. For Example: var result = (from a in DataContext. This is what I have so far: I'm trying to use LINQ to SQL to select a few specific columns from a table and return the result as a strongly typed list of objects. AnagraficaUtenti join ut in context. public List<OldClassName> GetSomething() { var query = from names in _context. While linq is a poor tool choice for this requirement, you should change the select to return all columns. Item1, f. ToList(); } Mar 30, 2011 · That is wrong, if t. Here's an example demonstrating how to select multiple columns from a collection of objects: using System. Create a new data source using the `Select` method. Utenti on au. I want to be able to select name, id, and price, for each product where the status == 1. This means that you can call the method on any LINQ Selecting Multiple Columns: We use Select to get the category and the total amount. Select(r=> new { SomeName1 = r. field2 } equals new { y. If you don't care about grouping the items by column type, this query accomplishes that: var query = from DataColumn col in stationTable. surname select new { x. LINQ syntax for SQL query with multiple inner joins and aliases. Rows where col. Select the columns you want to include in the new data source. 1. Hot Network Questions Jun 20, 2022 · Select — Multiple Result Alias when writing LINQ queries it is always best practice to only select the columns you need: Basics of Selecting Multiple Columns in LINQ. Aug 10, 2014 · I'm trying to create a linq statment that return an arrary. I am having some trouble constructing the LINQ. In this guide, we will explore the following techniques: Jul 23, 2024 · To select multiple columns using lambda expressions, you can utilize the Select method provided by LINQ. I have a table of products. 3. ColumnA, t1. Name, nbChilds Apr 22, 2013 · How to select all columns from tables in join using linq Sql: select CTRL_RUN_JOB. CodiceUtente into allcolumns from entry in For the finished solution I also needed a bit extra as below. Please help me to select only two columns from Hospital table. Then after the list is built, using reflection and dynamic objects build a new list of just the columns you want. Distinct(); I think this solves your problem Jun 8, 2014 · var name = from x in db. EMAIL, x. static void Main() . Mar 9, 2018 · I am trying to write an Entity Framework query to select only the distinct records in the Brand Name field, but still return the other columns in a list back to the controller to display in a partial view. Select(x => x as name); where ' GetProviders() ' returns a List<string> Jun 20, 2022 · Select — Multiple Result Alias var products = await _context. ColumnB } equals new { t2. Call the LINQ Select Multiple Columns method on the data source. field1, x. * from CTRL_RUN_JOB inner join CTRL_DATA_STREAM on CTRL_RUN_JOB Sep 8, 2015 · I am working on creating a C# LINQ statement from a SQL query with multiple joins and aliases. var query = from t1 in myTABLE1List // List<TABLE_1> join t2 in myTABLE1List on new { t1. Conclusion. Jun 8, 2014 · How do you do alias in Select method (LINQ) 1. For a LINQ provider like LINQ-to-Entities, projecting to a new instance of an anonymous class means that it can issue an SQL query which only fetches columns which are used inside the select statement, instead of fetching all columns. Type1 and g. If you want to avoid this anonymous type here is the simple trick. EMAIL == givenInfo || x. ispbi xubgtj lmvhf skryx yzanbc exc hjd nkmcu jqrstf sdhtho