Redshift interval to seconds I think you can replace the last 2 conditions with a time interval BETWEEN (interval is between interval '2 hours' and '13 hours 30 minutes'). The last condition is a check on being before 8pm (independent of day), the first term checks the day. value) max_val from ts_combined as m inner JOIN intervals f on m. It would just be BIGINT. However, Redshift does understand interval literals. For example: select to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS. Is there any dedicated function to do this? I know that we can extract hours, minutes and seconds, then calculate the seconds. You can use these interval literals in conditions and calculations that involve date-time expressions. SELECT TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + column_with_time_in_ms/1000 *INTERVAL '1 second' FROM table_name LIMIT 1000; gives me the result in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. For example, select table1. Jun 1, 2017 · Now it should make a bit more sense why we add 1496275200 * interval '1 second'. If a timestamp value subtract another, then Redshift will return an strange prefix. It provides a more intuitive approach to working with time intervals, simplifying data models and improving query efficiency. This is effectively adding a second to the starting date of 1970-01-01 for each of the epoch seconds. 000000000::Interval Day to Seconds) Is there way to convert these values to other types? I have tried cast(x as int), that gives "Cannot cast interval day to second to integer". session_id, m. Apr 4, 2016 · To get the number of days between two numbers representing seconds from the same starting point: days = (end_seconds - start_seconds)/60/60/24. Aug 21, 2012 · with intervals as (select * from interval_generator(NOW() - INTERVAL '24 hours' , NOW(), '30 seconds'::INTERVAL)) select f. Returns seconds so for hours needs int_interval('1 day') / 3600. value) min_val, avg(m. You'll need to use the below SQL query to get the timestamp. 04:30:04. Interval literals can be used as input values to interval data type columns in a table. ). To strip those you can use substr if you know it will never be more than a day. end_time GROUP BY f. Use an interval literal to identify specific periods of time, such as 10 hours or 6 days. – matt2000. But, it has a great feature, called UDF, which supports python, hence it will be the perfect fit. . 9, numdays will be 1. start_time, f Jun 16, 2016 · I found a weird thing. In this section, you can find information about the date and time scalar functions that Amazon Redshift supports. time >= f. US'); Jul 10, 2019 · What you want to do is unclear. SELECT EXTRACT(hour FROM t)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM t)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM t) FROM test; But I want some other way Oct 25, 2021 · Gotcha. Interval data types and literals can be used in datetime calculations, such as, adding intervals to dates and timestamps, summing intervals, and subtracting an interval from a date or timestamp. May 25, 2018 · Split Time in Seconds for each Hour in a day given start and end time in Redshift Hot Network Questions For gas pressure to exist must the gas be in a container? Jan 1, 2018 · The problem is not clear but assuming the requirement is to create month end dates between start and end dates with the given interval as months. Feb 14, 2024 · The INTERVAL data type in Amazon Redshift allows users to store elapsed times directly, eliminating the need to store two separate dates and calculate differences at query runtime. Conditions: I cannot use generate_series as I need to write the results to a table. Apr 18, 2023 · Redshift Interval Data Types. Mar 2, 2023 · This works by converting the number of seconds to a varchar type, then concatenating it with 'second' to create values like '16149765second' which can then be case directly to a Redshift Interval type, giving the format we like! I don't think Redshift supports the INTERVAL datatype. )::float / $2 (2022-04-29 13:15:53::Timestamp) - (2022-04-29 12:58:30::Timestamp) = (0 00:17:23. I would suggest that you translate the value into a number -- seconds: Sep 15, 2021 · Brief: I need to create a table that is a list of timestamps for all seconds a year in both directions from today, in Redshift. This worksbut is there a better way to do it? Mar 2, 2023 · This works by converting the number of seconds to a varchar type, then concatenating it with 'second' to create values like '16149765second' which can then be case directly to a Redshift Interval type, giving the format we like! Jul 21, 2018 · Redshift doesn't have functions specifically for this. The easiest way to see the fractional seconds is to format the timestamp to a string when viewing and then there will not be any reformatting. Redshift accepts the interval syntax, but ignores the unit specification. The first example in that case is not correct it should start with 6/1/2018 not 5/1/2018 Jun 1, 2011 · Answer to a similar (and more generic) question, " to the nearest minute interval" (1-minute, 5-minutes, 10-minutes, etc. 1. Jul 28, 2021 · select split_part((current_date+(on_call||'seconds')::interval)::varchar),' ',2) This will add the number of seconds to the current date and splits it based on the space. 8530000---> if a car travelled for 1 hour 30 mins and 4 seconds, the data will be 1:30:04. select timestamp 'epoch' + 1549757162511 / 1000 * interval '1 second'; 2019-02-10 00:06:02. INTERVAL_CMP ( interval1 , interval2 ) INTEGER Mar 22, 2021 · Interval is not a Redshift native data type - you cannot have a column of type interval. Just convert your timestamp differences into seconds (or minutes or hours or days), run MEDIAN(), and then display the result as an interval (if that is what you want). I am seeing little documentation on the actions that can be taken on Interval types. To convert seconds to hh:mm:ss (or days, hh:mm:ss), create this UDF in redshift - Sep 23, 2016 · or mycolumn * '1 second'::interval which will avoid reparsing the textual format over and over (although it doesn't make much practical difference in this case) – araqnid Commented May 25, 2010 at 15:14 Jun 10, 2022 · If you are not seeing the seconds and fractional seconds it is because of how your bench (/ connection to RS) is presenting the data to you. c_timestamp - table1. Is what I'm proposing make sense or is a code segment needed? – Return type. value) avg_val, max(m. DOUBLE PRECISION if the source value evaluates to data type TIMESTAMPTZ. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION intervalToSeconds( pMinuend TIMESTAMP , pSubtrahend TIMESTAMP ) RETURN NUMBER IS vDifference INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND ; vSeconds NUMBER ; BEGIN vDifference := pMinuend - pSubtrahend ; SELECT EXTRACT( DAY FROM vDifference ) * 86400 + EXTRACT( HOUR FROM vDifference ) * 3600 + EXTRACT Oct 2, 2016 · Redshift doesn't have the from_unixtime() function. For information about using the recommended interval literal with a qualifier, see Interval data types and literals. The following examples demonstrate using an interval literal without a YEAR TO MONTH or DAY TO SECOND qualifier. INTEGER if the source value evaluates to data type TIMESTAMP, TIME, TIMETZ, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, or INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. or. metric, min(m. Concatenates a date to a time on either side of the + symbol and returns a TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPTZ. Compares two intervals and returns 0 if the intervals are equal, 1 if interval1 is greater, and -1 if interval2 is greater. Aug 5, 2019 · Let us say we have have two tables: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tech_time( ms_since_epoch BIGINT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS readable_time( ts timestamp without time zone, ); Let us say Jan 25, 2018 · Casting to INTERVAL DAY(0) TO SECOND(0)) loses one of the leading zeroes. Redshift will return an integer value without the decimal portion, so if the formula returns 1. Adds the specified number of months to a date or timestamp. Sep 24, 2021 · ---> 1 day 4 hours 30 mins and 4 seconds and 85 micro seconds, the data will be 1. The documentation covers both the supported types and the differences from Postgres. time < f. Sep 21, 2020 · I'm working on Amazon Redshift database and I have dates in milliseconds since epoch. It just adds the number of seconds to epoch and return as timestamp. I want to convert that to timestamp, and writing this query that I found on another thread. Do you know Apr 10, 2012 · Based on zep's answer, I wrapped things up into a function for your convenience:. select timestamp 'epoch' + your_timestamp_column * interval '1 second' AS your_column_alias from your_table Apr 9, 2008 · May I know, what is the good way to perform aggregation data calculation, of N interval, in redshift. generate_series does not allow me to write to a table as it is a leader node only and unsupported in Redshift. start_time and m. 000000 does not have milliseconds. I want to store original data and also i want to convert this into seconds and store as a separate column. Redshift does not have a time data type. c_timestamp from table_1 Expect result Aug 8, 2021 · I have a time value 04:30:25 that I want to convert to seconds. SELECT (end_seconds - epic_start)/60/60/24 AS numdays. sql; ('SECONDS',sysdate) - (n * INTERVAL '1 second') AS dtm Feb 11, 2019 · Trying to convert a bigint 1549757162511 to timestamp in redshift. start_time, m. select 1549757162511::timestamp; fails with cannot cast type bigint to timestamp without time zone. CREATE FUNCTION round_minutes(TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE, integer) RETURNS TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE AS $$ SELECT date_trunc('hour', $1) + cast(($2::varchar||' min') as interval) * round( (date_part('minute',$1)::float + date_part('second',$1)/ 60. Nor, alas, does it have an interval data type. qguzdvp zzldjvg jbivzb ukazek czvq ajgxhkw rxcqcej oox sbid ehquw