Zanki pharmacology vs lolnotacop General pharmacology & autonomic drugs (Zanki) - Pharm that doesn't easily fit anywhere else but is absolutely essential and some of the most high-yield pharm here. Immunology + General Pathology (Zanki + lolnotacop) - Pathoma Chapters 1, 2, and 3, with Zanki's immunology and lolnotacop's Pathoma There seems to be some confusion over this so let me clarify: the AnKing Overhaul is Zanki and lolnotacop. If you have the time, try to do both Pepper and Zanki pharmacology. Zanki Step 2 It includes original deck creator, u/lolnotacop’s, additional card add-ons (covering HPV etc) as well as cards matching up to the following Boards and Beyond videos: Basics of Micro; Protozoa; Virus Structure The deck is structured with its microbiology section separated. Images from the UltraZanki deck. Reply reply Embarrassed-Boat3519 I'm using Lolnotacop micro and Zanki for micro pharm, just decided to do that because I didn't want way too many cards. Zanki has micro pharmacology, but does not have a proper micro section (one of the few medical school topics not included in BlueGal Zanki). I would go through Lolnotacop first since it's the more comprehensive of the two, and then selectively go through Zanki to fill in any gaps. I have a video on the “evolution of med school decks” if you’re confused Some of it is redundant, some of it is not. I’m not great at pharm so I’m happy for any overlap between the two decks and honestly, I don’t pay a ton of attention to which cards are Lolnotacop-Tag Overhaul deck. Zanki is good for quickly pulling up the picture in your mind (kind of reflexively, honestly), but Pepper forces you to consolidate the image or bring together the factoids in a way that makes sense. Because of this, you are correct in saying that it is many more cards. Zanki Reviews from Reddit Users Lolnotacop Anki deck is a pharmacology-specific deck that covers the Sketchy Pharm chapters. However, Lightyear has more front-and-back style cards than Zanki. Each card in the Zanki deck is very thorough; however, in my opinion, there is too much information stuffed into each card in the Zanki deck. After doing zanki for a long period of time and realizing there is a specific way you were supposed to download Zanki, I'm not completely confident if I downloaded correctly or not. However, they are neatly organized and pull in information from sketchy (main resource duh), first aid, firecracker (which actually has some good content) as well as UWorld. This deck comes in as a great complement in regards to scope of topics. 118. While Zanki also includes a pharmacology section that incorporates Sketchy Pharmacology images, the Pepper Pharm deck does it in a question-and-answer format that forces more remote recall. I am confused if I should do the "Zanki Sketchy" or the Lol "Bugs" and also confused if I should do "Zanki Pharmacology" or the Lol "Drugs". Oct 8, 2017 · Correct me if I'm wrong since I'm a 1st year and havent gotten into pharm or micro yet but my understanding is that anking includes the same exact deck as lolnotacop with the addition of some stuff from BG and a better* tagging system. Doing both would literally be doing the same cards twice, no? If you're using LY then go with lolnotacop. Zanki BG deck which is based on the original Zanki deck. Is the Zanki Pharm deck supposed to have 2763 cards? Also, is this pharm deck comprehensive? I'll offer another view point. Many have used premade decks like Zanki, Brosencephalon, SLy FAux, lolnotacop, or other versions floating around the interwebs. lolnotacop micro is consistent with the style of zanki cards (which I prefer over the pepper style). This deck is meant to be used hand in hand with Sketchy Pharmacology. See full list on willpeachmd. AND NOW COMBINES ULTRA ZANKI! Aug 27, 2021 · Brosencephalon vs Zanki. Currently using lolnotacop's Sketchy Pharm based deck, but it doesn't cover fully what my med school asks of us. It can be overwhelming at first but watching YouTube videos on setting up your account and adjusting the decks to fit your needs helps make this a very useful tool for now and the future! Sketchy Pharmacology: Renal (Diuretics)The Na+-K+ ATPase is located on the {{c1::basolateral}} membrane of the nephron: Extra: Tags: RenalPharmacology Dec 10, 2017 · Sketchy pharm + the lolnotacop anki deck! Watch a video at 2x speed, then go through the cards to catch anything you missed, and keep doing the cards forever! Also try to imagine the picture whenever you do the cards to help you remember the whole thing. e. Hi everyone! So the main Zanki Step decks are amazing, but I am a bit confused by the Zanki vs Lol pharm and Zanki vs Lol Sketchy (click link below). I like the level of detail in Zanki micro pharm, haven't had any issues yet UltraZanki Pros: -has far more images. Pharmacology – Pepper Deck. I do both Zanki and lol for the anti microbials since there are different details in both and they’re easy to do. Sketchy Pharmacology: Neuro/Psych {{c1::Tyramine}} is a substance found in many aged Welcome to the Community Zanki Project! Based on feedback from the community, the so-called Community Zanki Project Team has prepared an Anki deck consisting of Zanki, BG’s Zanki Add On, and lolnotacop’s microbiology in an effort to make accessing this renowned trio of Step 1 study decks more simple. It also has less cards, at around 1300 cards total. Zanki Pharm vs Pepper Pharm. Suspend all the cards in the pharmacology (drugs) category to stop them Nearly every med student in the US has heard of, used, and/or knows someone who uses Anki. -the tags are cleaner than the original zanki Cons: -original zanki (doesn’t necessarily have all the new errata and doesn’t have the BG additions) -didn’t include lolnotacop (you can of course download lolnotacop to remedy this) Apr 18, 2022 · Although I did not use Anki religiously during my preclinicals many of my classmates found the Zanki, lolnotacop, and AnKing Step 1 decks very helpful. I like Lolnotacop because it includes sketchy screenshots, which helps me remember, but Zanki includes things the other doesn’t. Autonomic drugs, Cardiovascular pharm, respiratory pharm) and also a deck called "Zanki Sketchy". Updated 2019-03-07. For reasons discussed below, the Anking deck is the best way to do Zanki cards! It's also sad to see the name Zanki lost to many newcomers - it's one of the most well-written original decks shared here, and it published what are UltraVioletZanki - (UltraZanki + AnKing's version of BG, lolnotacop & Zanki Pharm) Preclinical/Step I Disclaimer: Wasn’t sure if I should post this because all I have done is a bit of reorganization but I thought it might help someone and I know I would have liked it when I started so without further ado here it is!! Most of the cards in Lightyear AND Zanki are in a cloze deletion (fill-in-the-gap) format. Whoever made this did a great job with that. Sourced from First Aid, Sketchy, and all over. The Zanki deck was built from the original Brosencephalon deck so the Zanki deck is an improved version. If you have the time and already using Zanki, go with Zanki. It’s much less comprehensive than the Zanki decks. This deck combines the best parts of Lolnotacop, Zanki, and Pepper micro/antimicrobials. The formats of the two Zanki and Pepper pharm decks vary and which is better will come down to preference. com Because the last post was getting kind of crazy, I'm posting a brand new version with all new videos and instructions. I think it was downloaded correctly? But I just wanted to make sure. Used Sketchy micro & pharm to fill in everything that Zanki didn’t do; Also filled in Pathoma Neoplasia section that Zanki didn’t do; The duplicates between BlueGalaxies and Lolnotacop has mostly been resolved and the better cards were saved while the other duplicate was deleted. Zanki does explain a few things better to fill in the gaps that exist in Sketchy, but they're minor and you're not losing much as I'm sure that information is covered in other decks in LY. I am using Anking V7, and I see that under "Zanki pharmacology" parent deck, there are system specific decks (i. I like lols clozes for sketchy>>zanki as the matter is more sketchy based less fa vs zanki imo another minor difference is the organisation- lol arranged in sub-decks (good for making filtered decks while reviewing 999 cards which will pile up :p ) vs pepper is in a tagged hierarchy I did it the other way around-- started with lolnotacop and then added zanki neoplasia that wasn't covered in the lol deck but I think you'd be fine either way Reply reply 292step Aug 15, 2022 · lolnotacop master deck. Lol has his deck separated by each video so it’s super easy Anking is an important community project which brings together and improves on a number of great decks such as Zanki. I have lolnotacop seperate from Zanki. I STRONGLY recommend you read the above posts (especially the original Zanki deck) so that you understand how the decks were made and how to best use them. However, it’s useful for getting a quick Pharmacology review. These premade flashcards with Zanki promise to make studying faster by showing you what you should learn and providing the […] Joining in. 59MB. It is NOT a brand new deck. I use the anking deck because it has Zanki and Lolnotacop included. Step 2. . The AnKing overhaul adds a lot of tags, organization and corrections/updates for FA2019 to the original BG Zanki cards. Some of the Zanki cards contain information that isn't really covered anywhere else, so it's a nice supplement, albeit probably relatively low-yield. It looks like Zanki Sketchy has more or less the same information (mostly micro) that are found in the system specific decks + Lol. Images from Pepper Pharm and Pepper Micro. 0 audio & 2085 images. ogfgea ruvevl cum rwsvi ukx kvik xxh qwrp rmfsd zwdfb