State refugee health coordinator. gov Member Since: September 18 .

State refugee health coordinator The State Coordinator has the responsibility and authority to ensure coordination of public and private resources for refugee resettlement statewide. State Refugee Health Coordinators (SRHC) play a critical role in supporting refugee health activities within their respective states. Phone: (907) 222-7309. The New Jersey State Refugee Health Coordinator (SRHC) oversees the administration and State Refugee Health Coordinator: Office of Refugee Health . Refugee Health Coordinator Division of Infectious Disease Epidemiology Bureau of Epidemiology Department of Health 625 Forster Street, 9th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17120 Office: 717-787-3350 Direct: 717-547-3486 Fax: 717-772-6975 www. PRM promotes U. A national organization comprised of State Refugee Health Coordinators (RHCs) and associates, representing U. The previous RHC left the position on Jan 27th, State Refugee Health Coordinator; Jill Grumbine | Send an email. State Refugee Health Promotion Coordinator · Steadfast and empathetic professional. us Operations Analyst I 404-232-7823 Margarita Tselesin mtselesin@dhr. For more information on refugee services in your area, visit the Texas Office for Refugees website. This includes partial coverage for refugee with Medicaid provided that the screening is performed with 90 days of the client’s Date of Arrival in the U. Highly experienced working with refugees and immigrants, individuals from diverse backgrounds, and individuals Jan 27, 2025 · Working with clinicians, state refugee health coordinators, and other partners, the MN COE promotes communication among newcomer health professionals and disseminates best practices. us Program Associate 404-292-7824 The New York State Department of Health's Refugee Health Program is responsible for administering health assessments for eligible refugees and newcomers to New York State (hhs. This list of coordinators may serve as key points of contact for those in other state governmental offices (child welfare, education, etc. Apply to Health Coordinator, Program Coordinator, Home Manager and more! May 15, 2024 · This helps ensure that refugees are healthy for travel to the United States. The State Refugee Health Coordinator (SRHC) resides within RRP as staffed by the Refugee Health Manager. Contact: Sandra. jurisdictions that have a Refugee Health Program. Discover more about our work… CRSP is the state refugee office and is responsible for the statewide coordination of refugee resettlement under the authority of the Refugee Act of 1980. The State Coordinator manages the Resettlement Programs Office within the Economic Assistance and Employment Supports Division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Rachele King is designated as the State Refugee Coordinator (SRC) for Minnesota. State Refugee Health Coordinators (SRHC) play a critical role in supporting refugee health activities within their respective states. Nov 15, 2024 · In Rhode Island, examples of businesses run by or employing refugees include Aleppo Sweets and Beautiful Day RI. Apply to Research Coordinator, Project Coordinator, Health Coordinator and more! The Role of State Refugee Health Coordinators. Box 944243, MS 9-6-646 Sacramento, CA 94244-2430 (916) 654-4356 RPB@dss. November 21, Virtual Public Forum: Washington Migrant and Asylum-Seeker Support The agenda included; WA State Refugee Assistance Updates Sarah Peterson, State Refugee Coordinator, Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance, Department of Social and Health Services Domestic Medical Screening / Refugee Health Assessment; Partnership Health Center. Send an email State Refugee Health Program Monica L. Denver Health (Also provides immigration medical exams) Hopelight Medical Clinic; Peak Vista Community Health Centers. Local Resource Search 7,386 State Refugee Health Coordinator jobs available on Indeed. Phone: 817-289-3898. The following individuals are eligible for domestic health assessments provided by State Refugee Health Programs: Refugees: individuals admitted as a refugee under section 207 INA; ORR… Skip to content Domestic Medical Screening / Refugee Health Assessment The KY Office for Refugees (KOR) contracts with local clinics across the state to provide the domestic medical screening. Information can be found at: Global Michigan. Local Resettlement Offices The State Coordinator has the responsibility and authority to ensure coordination of public and private resources for refugee resettlement statewide. Domestic providers can contact their state's Refugee Health Coordinator (RHC) to be added for these communications alerts. Phone: 406-258-4789. Phone: 615-354-6287. For planning purposes, we ask that you please coordinate with the State Refugee Health Coordinator before scheduling any appointments. State Refugee Health Assessment Coordinator; Jill Schacherer. Oct 9, 2023 · Most Refugee Resettlement Program participants received an overseas medical examination prior to coming to the U. gov • 1,792 people received new arrival refugee health This list of state refugee coordinators from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement is regularly updated. 2847 ORR Wilson/Fish Program Manager: Carl Rubenstein 202. Minnesota's Refugee and International Health Program partners with local health departments, private health care providers, and community organizations to offer each new refugee arrival a comprehensive screening examination, appropriate follow-up or referral, and community-based health education. State Refugee Coordinator; Jeff Demers | Send an email. state. Responding to disease outbreaks or other public health problems occurring in ORR-served populations. 432. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) As the medical replacement designee in Missouri, USCRI collaborates with local resettlement agencies and federally qualified health centers to coordinate the Refugee Medical Screening (RMS) program and the Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) program. NJ FamilyCare (Medicaid) NJ FamilyCare – New Jersey’s publicly funded health insurance program – includes CHIP, Medicaid and Medicaid expansion populations. The Refugee Health & TB Control Program within the Utah Department of Health and Human Services seeks to protect and improve the overall health of Utah’s most vulnerable populations by improving access to culturally informed quality services to prevent and treat communicable diseases resulting in decreased health disparities and increased health equity. Missoula City County Health Department; Helps with immunizations, infectious disease information, blood draws, TB skin tests, lead screening, and lice checks. California; Florida; Massachusetts; Minnesota; Rhode Island; Texas; Virginia; Wisconsin; Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR): Key State Contacts Comprehensive contact information for all refugee and refugee Catholic Charities Maine Office of Maine Refugee Services (OMRS) now has an opening for a Full-Time State Refugee Health Coordinator. through benefits, services, and by coordinating public and private Oct 31, 2022 · In the last two years, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has expanded the support structures and resources available to meet the needs of newly arrived refugees. S. For more information on refugee services in your area, visit the Tennessee Office for Refugees website. The Arizona Refugee Resettlement Program. The refugee health assessment is designed to: identify individuals Refugee Services (RS) within the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance is the single state agency responsible for the implementation of services to refugees. Call (515)322-0037. Phone: 801-618-5096. interests by working to reduce illegal migration, to provide humanitarian assistance to those fleeing persecution, crisis, or violence, and to seek durable solutions for forcibly displaced people around the world. gov Member Since: September 18 Dec 16, 2024 · The purpose of the Georgia Department of Public Health Refugee Health Program is to promote the physical, mental, and social well-being of all newly arriving refugees in the state of Georgia. As Refugee Services Administrative Manager, Nicole Adams will be designated as the Deputy State Refugee Coordinator. The Wisconsin Refugee Health Program, together with state resettlement agencies and the Department of Children and Families, coordinates activities and supports refugee arrivals as they transition to life in Wisconsin. Jul 8, 2014 · State Refugee Health Coordinator: Catherine Potter 251. ca. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) · Education: Texas A&M Health Science Center · Location: Austin · 215 for Educated and Vocationally Experienced Refugees 8/2023 More information: Sarah Peterson, MSW - Chief, Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance - State Refugee Coordinator Phone: 360. 0691 | Email: sarah. CDC routinely sends notification letters to state and local partners regarding outbreaks, disease surveillance, and interventions. State Refugee Health Coordinator; Hayat Khalaf. Refugee Health Program 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A-11 Tallahassee, FL 32399 State Refugee Coordinator NC Department of Health and Human Services Provides supervision of the State Refugee Program Consultants and manages the Refugee Program. Alaska. State Refugee Coordinator Michael Singleton Primary (404) 290-6638 [email protected] Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Family & Children As the State Refugee Health Coordinator at the U. The current SRHC is Juliana Shepherd Davis. State Refugee Coordinator; Mario Kljajo. Watch a recording of Savitri Tsering, Wisconsin's Refugee Health Coordinator, present on two new immigration pathways that have welcomed newcomers to Wisconsin since 2021. Background Refugees and other populations served by ORR are at increased risk for certain health and medical conditions as a result of conflict, migration, and resettlement. Georgia has a Refugee State Coordinator, who is responsible for coordinating public and private resources for refugees. hollingsworth@jfs. 222. State Refugee Health Coordinator; The Connecticut Department of Public Health’s (DPH) Refugee and Immigrant Health Program (RIHP) is the public health component of Connecticut’s Refugee Assistance Program. Highly experienced working with refugees and immigrants, individuals from diverse backgrounds, and individuals Immigrant Assistance - State Refugee Coordinator Phone: 360. Refugee Services’ programs and services: provide assistance to refugees and their families in achieving economic and social self-sufficiency; Refugee Health Promotion (RHP) RHP provides funds for part-time Health Access Coordinators (HACs) at resettlement agencies. Call (515)423-3794. Jun 5, 2024 · State Refugee Programs. Phone: 385-910-4548 Coordinator and State Refugee Office? The Refugee Act of 1980, which established the U. The State Coordinator manages the Resettlement Programs Office within the Office of the Commissioner of the Mar 31, 2020 · Texas State Refugee Health Coordinator / Humanitarian · Experience: U. Apply to Customer Care Coordinator, Public Health Coordinator, Health Coordinator and more! State Refugee Health Coordinator: Matthew Heffron. California Department of Public Health . for Educated and Vocationally Experienced Refugees 8/2023 More information: Sarah Peterson, MSW - Chief, Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance - State Refugee Coordinator Phone: 360. Phone: 804-864-7911. us State Refugee Health Coordinator 404-232-7825 Berekat Beraki bgberaki@dhr. O. The State Refugee Coordinator is Past Quarterly Public Forums. Please contact a resettlement agency to get a referral for the DME, or reach out to Colorado’s State Refugee Health Coordinator. This position performs the responsibilities State Refugee Health Coordinator (SRHC) and has the following responsibilities: • Develops statewide partnerships and potential contracts, through support from Health and Human Services (HHS), with qualified health providers to ensure refugees and eligible populations have access to broader Leads the development and collaboration of refugee health partners in order to standardize and improve refugee health care across the State. Refugee Programs Bureau P. Within LEO’s OGM, Helen The Refugee Health Promotion (RHP) program funds grant recipients to provide direct services to promote newcomers’ health and wellbeing. These health services are administered by the Refugee Health Program and Georgia has a State Refugee Coordinator, who is responsible for coordinating public and private resources for refugees. State government programs for refugees and a list of state refugee coordinators. in. Programs have multiplied since the last position review, and additional partnership opportunities have been added to meet the growing demand for refugee health services. It supports their transition to life in the U. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), I oversee all ORR refugee health programs in Missouri, ensuring compliance with federal and state The Refugee Program also procures health screening services with local health care providers to ensure that newly-arrived refugees are provided with a complete health screening. com. gov. Phone: 808-586-8681. wa. Vision ONA’s vision is that all New Americans have equitable access to opportunity and well-being. 2727 ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt 404. The goal of the program is to prevent any public health problems resulting from lack of detection and treatment of communicable diseases. Volunteer Opportunities The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Refugee Health Program seeks applications from qualified licensed health care providers/agencies located throughout New York State (exclusive of New York City) to provide health assessments for new refugee arrivals to the state. Murto@cdph. resettlement system, requires each state to have a State Refugee Coordinator (SRC) who is responsible for effectively carrying out the state’s plan for Resettlement (ORR)refugee resettlement. 562. Address: 301 W Alder St, Missoula, MT 59802 NC Department of Health and Human Services 2001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2000 Customer Service Center: 1-800-662-7030 Visit RelayNC for information about TTY services. Phone: 601-421-7020. What is the Refugee Health Screening? The refugee health screening (also referred to as the domestic refugee health assessment) is ideally completed in the state of the refugee’s initial arrival to the United States. State Refugee Coordinator: Charles Shipman State Refugee Health Coordinator: Juliana Davis. State Refugee Health Coordinator; Oversees refugee health screening program for newly arrived refugees and assist with identifying and mitigating gaps in health care for newly arrived refugees, including connection to PCP and Medicaid. Medicaid; Medicaid is available through an application with the State of The State Refugee Health Coordinator (SRHC) is the primary contact for all refugee health related issues in the state of Kansas. Apply to Program Coordinator, Program Analyst, Writer/editor and more! Catholic Charities Maine Office of Maine Refugee Services (OMRS) now has an opening for a Full-Time State Refugee Health Coordinator. Immigrant Assistance - State Refugee Coordinator Phone: 360. 5933. gov) (excluding New York City) within 90 days of arrival. For more information on refugee services in your area, visit the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services website. SRHCs help manage, coordinate, and provide technical assistance to improve health service delivery for recently arrived refugees and other immigrant populations eligible for refugee health benefits. SRHCs help manage, coordinate, and provide technical assistance to improve health service delivery for recently arrived refugees and other immigrant populations Apr 15, 2024 · Alternative Immigration Pathways and Welcome CorpsIn the past, refugee resettlement programs have been the only path for immigrants to arrive in Wisconsin. 890. S/he facilitates, coordinates and monitors all statewide activities related to the Refugee Medical Jan 2, 2024 · Each year Wisconsin resettles refugees from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. Definition: The State Refugee Health Coordinator (SRHC) provides health expertise and complements the responsibilities of the State Refugee Coordinator (SRC). State Refugee Health Coordinator; Caroline Gumpenberger | Send an email. Once here, refugees* are offered a health assessment to be completed within 90 days from their date of arrival at no charge to them, excluding the vaccinations needed for adjustment of immigration status. health. State Refugee Coordinator; Jovanie Domingo de la Cruz | Send an email. State Refugee Health Coordinator; Sarah Bates. gov or by phone at (701) 298-4663, and we will connect you to a case manager and local health care provider to schedule an appointment. The RIHP works with refugee resettlement agencies and other sponsors, local health departments, and health care providers to offer appropriate health assessments, follow Jun 6, 2016 · This Policy Letter outlines a holistic approach to refugee health and provides guidance on how Refugee Health Coordinators (RHCs) may promote core health areas. The MN COE completes activities organized into four pillars: surveillance and epidemiology, guidance, clinician training, and newcomer health orientation and Domestic Medical Screening / Refugee Health Assessment; The New Hampshire Refugee Health Program has established relationships with several clinics that conduct the Refugee Health Assessment. Utah Refugee Sponsor Coordinator; Lam Nguyen. Phone: 512-256-3310. Local Resource Search Key State Contacts. State Refugee Health Coordinator; Jessica Montour | Send an email. What we do. View Jennifer Morillo’s profile Public Health Public Health sub-navigation. Send an email. Baqi kbaqi@dhr. The primary goal of Georgia’s Refugee Program is to encourage economic self-sufficiency of refugees after entrance to Georgia. Work with the screening clinic on any issues (for example, rescheduling appointments, if needed). Refugee Services Office; Send an email. 7339 ORR State Analyst: Carl Rubenstein 202. Refugee Health 850-901-6521 Mailing Address. ARHC works to strengthen state and local refugee health leadership, expertise, and advocacy in order to achieve wellness in domestic refugee populations. You can submit a request to schedule a screening here or you can contact the Office of Refugee Services, State Refugee Health Coordinator by email at refugeeservices@nd. The SRHC provides health expertise and complements the responsibilities of the State Refugee Coordinator (SRC). us « The New Jersey State Refugee Coordinator (SRC) is responsible for the implementation of New Jersey’s Refugee Resettlement Program, and engages with state partners and stakeholders to ensure greater quality of service and access for the refugee community. E-mail: Christine. State Refugee Health Programs. For more information on refugee services in your area, visit the Hawaii Refugee and Entrant Assistance Program website. State Refugee Health Coordinator; Lorrin Kim | Send an email. About the Refugee Health ProgramWisconsin’s Refugee Health Program The Texas Office for Refugees (TXOR) oversees all Cash and Medical Assistance and Refugee Support Services programs in the state of Texas, administering funds to local resettlement agencies, community-based organizations, and ethnic community-based organizations and directing statewide strategies to serve and empower ORR-eligible populations. Phone: 808-586-4600. State Refugee 7,779 Refugee Health Coordinator jobs available on Indeed. ADES and RRP Organizational Structure: Arizona State Plan for Refugee Resettlement FFY 2024 Page 2 Key Refugee Service Contacts in Texas. State Refugee Health Coordinator at NC Division of Public Health · Experience: NC Division of Public Health · Location: Raleigh · 71 connections on LinkedIn. gov or at 317-234-7252. The Office of Refugee Health works with impacted local health jurisdictions, health providers, and voluntary resettlement agencies to provide culturally and linguistically-appropriate comprehensive health assessments, and other health services, to newly arrived refugees, asylees, victims of severe forms of human trafficking (federally-certified Our Mission The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) is the humanitarian bureau of the State Department. us Program Consultant I 404-232-7822 Kenya A. ohio. ga. State Website. Apply to Health Coordinator, Care Coordinator, Care Advocate and more! 4 Refugee Health Coordinator Annual Report – FY 2012 Introduction This report is intended to cover the highlights and activities of the State Refugee Health Coordinator (RHC) over the past year (FY12). State Refugee Outreach Manager; Marioma Ismael. The primary goals for RHP programing include opportunities to increase health literacy, coordinating physical and mental health care, and organizing wellness groups. The Arizona Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) helps refugees and other eligible beneficiaries. ). For more information or assistance, contact the Indiana State Refugee Health Coordinator, Maliki Yacouba at refugeehealth@health. pa. 205. Phone: 615-352-9520. The New Jersey State Refugee Health Coordinator (SRHC) oversees the administration and implementation of the Refugee Health Program, providing health expertise in determining appropriate health coordination and support for ORR-eligible populations. Accessing Health Care . HACs develop culturally and linguistically appropriate health orientations and classes designed to increase refugees’ health literacy, reduce gaps in services and increase access to public and/or private health insurance. List of clinics providing health screening; A short video overview of the process of refugee resettlement is available The State Refugee Health Coordinator’s position has expanded, and a Refugee Mental Health position was added. Ms. peterson@dshs. Key State Contacts. The Refugee Health Program works with refugee resettlement agencies, state programs, and health and social service providers to develop coordinated and comprehensive health services for refugees. This includes ensuring appropriate case management, supervision of employees, and compilation and submission of all statistical information and activity reports for the program. The State Refugee Coordinator is responsible for management and oversight of the Refugee Resettlement Program for the State of South Carolina. Local Resource Search Make sure the refugee has transportation to the appointment(s) at the screening clinic. The primary goal of Georgia’s Refugee Program is to encourage economic self-sufficiency of refugees after entrance to the United States. Jun 6, 2016 · This Policy Letter outlines a holistic approach to refugee health and provides guidance on how Refugee Health Coordinators (RHCs) may promote core health areas. State Refugee Health Coordinator; Christine Ross. Keep in Touch! Help us maintain a current stakeholder list to distribute timely refugee program information and correspondence Submit any updates to your contact information on the Contact/Mailing List Updates page. State Refugee Coordinator; San Wong (Interim SRC) Send an email Key Refugee Service Contacts in Hawaii. 4. HIV, STI and Hepatitis; Local Public Health Services; State Medical Examiner; Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology; Health Statistics; Cancer; Radiological Health; Refugee Health; Rural and Community Health; Tuberculosis (TB) Control; Iowa Public Health Tracking Portal; Emergency Medical Services Jan 24, 2025 · Key Refugee Service Contacts in Tennessee. The Connecticut Department of Public Health’s (DPH) Refugee and Immigrant Health Program (RIHP) is the public health component of Connecticut’s Refugee Assistance Program. Key Refugee Service Contacts in Mississippi. Contact Us. This health screening includes blood testing, a health history and physical, and vaccinations. The State Coordinators of Refugee Resettlement (SCORR) network and State Refugee Coordinators have been instrumental in implementing programs such as Afghan Health Promotion 7,274 State Refugee Health Coordinator Salary jobs available on Indeed. Other Refugee Assistance & Services. Jul 2, 2024 · Refugee and International Health. • Represent Michigan’s refugee health program with the Association of Refugee Health Coordinators (ARHC), participating in ARHC calls and membership. The program has contracted providers across the state who complete health assessments and screenings for Refugee Health Program. The State Refugee Coordinator’s office and programming (including Employment & other Social Services, Educational Services, and URM services) is housed within the Office of Global Michigan in the Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity. The Refugee Health Program (RHP) provides newly-arrived refugees with integrated medical and mental health screenings. 7,062 State Refugee Coordinator jobs available on Indeed. 7376 State Refugee Health Coordinator: Gulnora Kiyamova 907. 3. State Refugee Coordinator; Louisa Saratora | Send an email. • Participate in quarterly meetings with the State Refugee Coordinator, refugee resettlement agencies and health If you have questions about services or programming for eligible refugees or need assistance contact the Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees by submitting the form below: MORA Contact Form Loading… MORA Staff Contact Information Myat Lin, MORA Director and State Refugee Coordinator Yana Cascioffe, MORA Senior Program Manager Pegah Hedayatpour, MORA Database Manager Manizha Read the Rest The State Refugee Health Coordinator may also be able to provide information about capacity and wait times at the healthcare centers contracted to conduct the screening. State Refugee Coordinator (Interim) Dornette Thompson | Send an email. Address: 401 Railroad St W, Missoula, MT. State Refugee Coordinator; Issa Spatrisano. The refugee health screening has four central purposes: (1) to reduce and recognize health-related barriers to State Refugee Coordinator will have the responsibility and authority to ensure coordination of public and private resources for refugee resettlement and refugee programming in the State of Michigan. We serve as the entry point into the US health system, strive to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases to the public, and ensure follow-up for conditions that could affect the client’s well-being or impede their ability to effectively The program is also responsible for monitoring all refugee screening data received from a number of community health clinics that perform the refugee health screening and distribute this data to a variety of internal and external partners, including local, state, and federal public health authorities and agencies. Please send an The referral process is jointly managed by CDPHE and the refugee resettlement agencies. Phone: (907) 222-7341. State Refugee Coordinator: Karen Ferguson 907. Domestic Medical Screening; You are eligible to receive a health screening at a local health department as part of your resettlement benefits. Vargas mlvargas@dhr. each agency that work with aspects of refugee health and referral services. gov Who is eligible for ORIA services? • People who are eligible for federal refugee resettlement services. About MORA The Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees (MORA) coordinates and administers services to federally-recognized refugee populations to help them build new lives in the United States. MORE Jan 24, 2025 · State Refugee Health Coordinator: Fatema Medhat U. HIV, STI and Hepatitis; Local Public Health Services; State Medical Examiner; Center for Acute Disease Epidemiology; Health Statistics; Cancer; Radiological Health; Refugee Health; Rural and Community Health; Tuberculosis (TB) Control; Iowa Public Health Tracking Portal; Emergency Medical Services Public Health Public Health sub-navigation. After protection has been granted and an individual has been resettled or established residence in Maryland, MORA’s network of public and private service providers provide a variety Read the Rest 7,542 State Refugee Health Promotion Coordinator jobs available on Indeed. , the rest of Washington State Department of Health partners with DSHS Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA) and community partners to ensure refugees receive a health screening within 90 days of arrival to the United States. ejqttq tjnr axbq xufqga ravuc llhnau eqhr envkgclr gkbnhmj icj micryh iiarnd epsac jvxtw nia