Delphi string to char. Follow answered Dec 1, 2009 at 8:27.

Delphi string to char var s: string; c: char; begin s := 'Hello'; c := s[1]; //H end; Now for converting it back to a normal string, I split that hex into 2-char pairs, using StrToInt() with a '$' prefix. function AnsiIndexStr(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Integer; I am making a program in Delphi 7, that is supposed to encode a unicode string into html entity string. Testing for ranges of possible character values can be done more efficiently (and more conciece) is CharInSet. – Multiline string indentation and formatting logic are used very specifically. This uses Character. The $ says you are specifying in Hexadecimal. A multiline string treats a leading white space this way: The closing ''' needs to be in a line of its own, not at the end of the last line of the string itself. The challenge carried over from my previous question is that I am limited to using only WinAPI functions I'm building a String called FullMemo, that would be displayed at a TMemoBox, but the problem is that I'm trying to make newlines like this:. The indentation of the closing ''' determines the base indentation of the entire string. Chau Chee Yang assign byte to string delphi xe2. 1 String转化成PChar 2种方式 API カテゴリ:インデックス への移動. msg is not null-terminated. Calling StrToInt will fail with an exception if aValue[i] is a letter, so you should test that first and only call StrToInt if the letter test fails. You can also use # followed by a number for other escape character e. On a Unicode Delphi it is UTF-16 encoded. Your entire approach breaks down for those code pages. function StrToHex(const S: String): String; const HexDigits: array[0. Character to my uses list and can then call e. (I'm using Delphi XE 2, Update 4, Hotfix 1). You code is perfectly fine, so long as you only post the message to your own process. LoadFromStream. Thus, your constant became a set. You could also put all the characters in a string, or you could use Delphi's native set type. lines. Code: Var Str:String = '123'; Str[1]//Returns 1 Str[2]//Returns 2 Str[3]//Returns 3 There Logged eny. Which is what the compiler is trying to tell you. I have been two days converting my string from one type to another with no success. I have a function that takes in a pointer to a series of char. 4mm / Y-Pos: 3. The latter, despite its name, works on Unicode characters in the Delphi versions where string is UnicodeString. How can I do it safely without breaking any emoticons ? Is there a built-in Delphi function which would convert a string such as '3,232. The interface functions all use PAnsiChar to pass strings along. g. Same goes for the end of the string. How do i find if a character exists in a string of charaters? Basically i want to find if a SPACE (' ') exists in a text string (edSearch. Now when you get sizeof(string) you get var FirstString: string; FirstString := PAnsiChar(@AData[0]); Where AData is array of byte; Now, how could I do reverse conversion, so that I can put my own string to this AData array of byte instead of the one that is currently there, but without modifying any other data inside of the array, and then convert it to TBytes? In Delphi 6: String = AnsiString Char = AnsiChar In Delphi 10. function IndexStr(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Integer; or. My guess is that's because I'm converting a unicode string to an ansi string but how can I convert it so that a PAnsiChar gets the full string? Comparison of strings is defined by the ordering of the elements in corresponding positions. It looks like the TJSONString is not correctly escaped when returning the JSON representation via the ToString() method. e. up to you). The core mistake you are making is that passing binarydata by itself to Move() passes the memory location of the variable itself, which is just a pointer to other memory. 'z', '0'. We can use FloatToDecimal as a starting point to create a locale-independent string of "pictures codes". The A is the value. Character set (charset) and character encodings are two related but different concepts. Just note that first character in string has an index of one. function AnsiNaturalCompareText(const S1, S2: string): integer; begin Result := StrCmpLogicalW(PWideChar(WideString(S1)), PWideChar(WideString(S2))); end; I know very little about character encoding so this is the reason of my question. Note that StringOfChar returns the same type as ch: either an AnsiString or UnicodeString, so it works We have various ways to convert a char to String. So, the code you need looks like this: PAnsiChar(UTF8Encode(s)) It sets the string to the required length and copies the bytes. But the symbol is also used for the open array constructor, so the same symbol has two functions, which can be confusing. Until Delphi 2007, the encoding is undetermined. Convert. Convert Char into AnsiChar or WideChar (Delphi) 4. But there are character sets like 932 (Japanese), 949 (Koren) etc. GetString() uses The # tells delphi that you are specifying a character by its numerical code. So, IntToStr( Ord( str[1] ) ) returns the string representation of the ASCII code for the first character of str. You may wish to use wrapper function written in Delphi to convert RawByteString (or AnsiString) to UnicodeString and vice versa, rather than calling the MultiByteToWideChar Many of the solutions to find a character in a string amongst the fastcode examples, uses a technique to read the string in in larger chunks into a register and then analyze the register bytes for a match. There are a number of errors I keep getting like Incompatible types: 'WideChar' and 'AnsiChar' I have been just casti I have a list of strings stored in TStringList, i want to convert it into string seperated by commas and i use the following code. Notes Description: The Chr function converts an IntValue integer into either an AnsiChar or WideChar as appropriate. My question is mainly conceptual. It depends on your Delphi version. Follow String; RealValue : Real; begin RealValue := 1 + 1. MyBytes := TEncoding. char ch = 'I'; String str1 = Character. dynamic Arrays are 0-based. In Delphi 2007 and before, strings are automatically in ANSI string format, and anything below 128 is an ASCII character. I have no indicator for it being 4 chars long for an € sign, instead of 2 chars, and this breaks the euro sign: @AmigoJack Delphi does not use UTF-8 for String, and never has (though one can argue that AnsiString can hold What you change it to depends on how you choose to represent the multiple characters. You could do it in two, with nothing getting destroyed or re-allocated. TStringHelper; System. Searching in a set is time consuming 2. If so then this char literal could instead be expressed as "'", though whether you find this less or more confusing New(pStr) allocates a string on the heap and returns a pointer to it. Is this function OK or should I first convert both the compared strings somehow? A string is an array of chars so any char you want comes from the same way of working with any other arrays. Delphi Copy-on-Write for String. ExeName) would return the application exe path. P := PWideChar(S); In fact, since you are using a Unicode version of Delphi, it is probably idiomatic to use PChar (an alias for PWideChar), to fit alongside string. There was a big clue in the fact that SizeOf(Char) is 2. The BufSize parameter of HexToBin() specifies the number of bytes the output buffer expects to receive, but you are passing it the With Delphi 2007 and previous versions, s := PChar(Application. oPaygrid. One of them gets destroyed when your function returns. The following types are covered: Short strings (ShortString)ANSI strings ()Unicode strings (UnicodeString and WideString)All the string types described in this topic are supported by Delphi compilers for desktop platforms, but Delphi compilers for mobile Delphi overloads assignment of strings and literals (char and string) to array of chars, but only when the lower array bound is zero. Then there are character encodings, which is basically an algorithm that describes how the characters are represented in "Short Strings" are "Ansi" String, because there are only available for backward compatibility of pre-Delphi code. Improve this answer. In Delphi code, StringOfChar returns a string that contains Count characters, with the character value given by Ch. Because string is a managed type, the string is default initialized, to the empty string. SysUtils. Showing your data in a normal Memo field gives you problems, although a Delphi string can contain any character, including 0 bytes, displaying them will give you problems. 15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var I: Integer; P1: Your new function involves three strings, the input, the result from StringOfChar, and the function result. So how do I convert a single string character to a char? Use the string as a character array (1-based), and use the index of the character you want to use in the case Convert strings to character sets and vice versa #234. For example, S := StringOfChar('A', 10); sets S to the string 'AAAAAAAAAA'. ) The char type is now an alias to WideChar instead of AnsiChar, the string type is now an alias to UnicodeString (a UTF-16 Unicode version of Delphi's But I cannot enter this Unicode character in the Delphi code editor because of the Delphi code editor not being able to display this Unicode character. sStream is a poorly named AnsiString. Several methods have overloads to apply specific formatting. Hence, it would say Ok for ⌬⌨∬∏⌫⌘B⌥ Attempts to transfer the value from one of the given Value data types to Char. Something like this should get you started: To add a single quote to a string, you include two ' marks e. In fact, if the array has zero--valued bytes in it, they'll correctly appear within the string; they won't terminate the string. pas (Delphi 2009/2010++ only) to perform the task. I'm using Delphi Rio and I need to convert a string to HEX or DEC, but the string contains special characters, like á é í ó ú ñ or €. GetString(MyBytes); I would like to write my own functions that results same values on Delphi-2007. These strings where not limited to 255 bytes. The correct code is: var P: PWideChar; S: string; . And your code is failing because AnsiUpperCase(s[j]) is of type string which is UnicodeString. It is a record helper that extends type Char with functions in method syntax. Share. underscore), convert all spaces to that character before splitting, and convert back after splitting. I have done some Example to convert a string to binary but i couldn't find a way to walk on each character in the string and complete the whole calculations process and then step to the next character in the string, Here is my code: Even if Pos worked the way you wanted it to work (perhaps you want it to return the position of the first character in S that belongs to Allowed, which would be 1 in this case), the algorithm would not do what you want: it would say Ok if there is at least one allowed character in the string, and string contains otherwise. ToChar (myInt); end. 5mm' After: 'Axis moving to new position - X-Pos mm / Y-Pos mm' Unfortunately string. Since the payload of The situation: I’ve an external DLL that uses UTF-8 as its internal string format. 2: String = UnicodeString Char = WideChar Can tell me what caused the incompatibility issue to occur? (2) I'm understanding that widechar is a multi-byte character type. Ord ( a ) returns the ASCII value of the character a. GetBytes(MyString); and. that are double byte character sets. : Related commands The docs are wrong too. It requires going over the string twice, once to count the "good" char, once to effectively copy those chars, but it's worth it because it doesn't do multiple reallocations: Because of 2 reasons: 1. How do I escape the # character in a VB. Long string (AnsiString and UnicodeString) to PChar conversions are not automatic. Ord( a ) returns the ASCII value of the character a. For example, 'AB' is greater than 'A'; that is, 'AB' > 'A' returns True. 49] of char; begin x:='b'; // char literal x:='bb'; // string literal end. System. There is a FloatToStr in newer versions. These functions search for exactly one character, whereas LastDelimiter searches for any of several characters from the given list of I converted TMemorystream to string to remove Null Chars with StringReplace() and then converted it again to TStringstream to load it with Richedit. GetEncoding() returns a new object that must be Free'd on desktop platforms. On an ANSI Delphi PChar(s) is ANSI encoded. ShortCutToText(ShortCut(Ord('A'), [ssShift, ssAlt])) This returns Shift+Alt+A on all systems. toString(ch); Actually this toString method internally makes use of valueOf method from String class which makes use of char array:. Character. IsLetterOrDigit where C is of type Char. Delphi does not RELY on a null character at the end of the string, but it does somewhat enforce that MyString[Length(MyString) + 1] = #0. Since D2009 string type is unicode and it takes double the amount of bytes. The base type for a Delphi set can have at most 256 elements. Use the to_string function to convert numerical values and Delphi built-in types, such as TDateTime, Currency or Variant to an AnsiString. IsUpper; Character. Converting an AnsiString to a Unicode String. s[1] will be the 1st character on desktop compilers, but the 2nd character on mobile compilers. Unicode is the way that characters are encoded. 512] of Char; After I read the string from disk, the content of my string is like this: The solution using a set is fine in Delphi 7, but it can cause some problems in Delphi 2009 because sets can't be of char (they are converted to ansichar). Creating string from byte array. str[1] returns the first character (as type Char) from the string. In Delphi 2009 and later, String is an alias for UnicodeString. the Char() expression makes an hidden conversion from char to string before appending - this is actually slower than the concatenation itself. Move(s[1], a^, Length(s) * SizeOf(Char)); You may also use class TEncoding in SysUtils. As I use this a lot, I have removed local variables as a speed optimization and only work with the Result directly. As with other pointers, integer arithmetic, such as Inc and Dec can be performed on a PChar variable, also shown in the example. You'll have to cast the character to AnsiChar. This was equivalent to byte array with lenght of number of characters + 1 for (hidden in delphi implementation) trailing zero byte. I have many strings, they are like: 75@1Mbps 36@24Mbps 67@9Mbps 76@HT20-0 77@HT20-1 I want keep 2 string in front and remove all others, so they become: 75 36 67 76 77 78 I can remove last st Is there any way in Delphi 5 to convert a string to a TDateTime where you can specify the actual format to use? I'm working on a jobprocessor, which accepts tasks from various workstations. and thne compare the result of each element against the With Delphi 2009, the String and Char types became synonyms for UnicodeString (a WideString with additional capabilities) and WideChar, respectively, reflecting the transition to Unicode as the native format for string and character types. There are a couple of problems with your code: You are type-casting your input AnsiString incorrectly to PWideChar, so you are calling the wrong overload of HexToBin(). In Delphi 2009 and later, Unicode Delphis, Char is an alias to WideChar. IntToStr( x ) returns the string representation of the integer value x. Jane,Jack'; // This is the string which i need to be searched with string content boolean containerContainsContent = StringUtils. : Related commands oPaygrid is a Class(TObject). TCharHelper instead. How can I count the number of occurrences of a certain character in a string in Delphi? For instance, assume that I have the following string and would like to count the number of commas in it: S := '1,2,3'; Then I would like to obtain 2 The native Delphi character type since Delphi 2009 is WideChar, a 16-bit Unicode character. 00' to float? StrToFloat raises an exception because of the comma. string is a regular string, which was single-byte (now called AnsiString) up until Delphi 2007, and multi-byte (now called UnicodeString) as of Delphi 2009. A WideChar is a 2 byte value representing a single character of Unicode (or one half of a surrogate pair). 24] of char; is there a way to get the equivalent: b:= Everywhere Threads This forum This thread Search titles and first posts only String content = "Jane"; String container = 'A. Note that Delphi uses a 1-based indexing system, so the first Description: The StringToWideChar function converts a string SourceString into a WideString. Before D2009 string type was a byte array as it was ASCII. For ansi versions of delphi you can use the GetStringTypeEx functions to fill a list with each ansi character type information. ; Delphi supports set of AnsiChar, but doesn't support set of WideChar. Transforms this 0-based string into a TArray<Char> (a character array) and returns it. ). Follow answered Dec 1, 2009 at 8:27. Duplicating a char in a string, leaves an empty string. So, tab characters count as whitespace. IsWhiteSpace to determine whether or not a character is whitespace. IsLower; IsLower; IsUpper; UPDATE. NOTE: I am familiar with the SuperObject, but my requirements are to use the DBXJSON unit. Since Delphi 2009, string is Unicode (that is, two bytes per character). I'm upgrading a very old (10+ years) application to the latest Delphi XE. In D2009 and later, things become more complicated since the default string type is UnicodeString. The same string can be indexed zero-based or one-based, depending on the settings. iSize1 and iSize2 are integers. I'm really not skilled about chars encoding, I suppose I should use I have function in delphi function GetHardDiskSerial(const DriveLetter: Char): string; var NotUsed: DWORD; VolumeFlags: DWORD; VolumeInfo: array[0. Commented Oct 6, And 2. Text) Share. Text + '\n' + txtDetails. I'm trying to find a Delphi function that will split an input string into an array of strings based on a delimiter. Now I need to truncate this string to n chars. So if you go change the null character For converting Boolean to string, there's BoolToStr, which has been around since at least Delphi 2007. The second point means that you don't need to write a function that creates a C-style string from a Delphi string -- the Here's a version that doesn't build the string by appending char-by-char, but allocates the whole string in one go. EveryOne I need some esay way to change from integer and string in delphi 7 var Str:String; Int:Integer; // Here what i need to do Str:='123'; Int:=Str. The first point means that you must convert the strings from Unicode to ANSI. I want to insert a char into every possible position of s string except start and end. However, sometimes AnsiChar is used to hold text in other 8 bit encodeds, for instance UTF-8. And then you can use PAnsiChar() to get a pointer to a null terminated C string. A character set is an abstract list of characters with some sort of integer character code associated. And although Delphi doesn't rely on the null itself, it does rely on the fact that there should be a null in every Windows API call. var a: string; b: array [0. The below code seems to give me some problem. Note: this code works only for non-Unicode versions of Delphi Example code : Different ways of assigning to and from a Char; var myChar : Char; begin myChar := 'G'; // Assign from a character constant ShowMessage('Letter G = '+myChar); myChar := The EditCharacterEntry->Text is a Unicode string (remember it would be possible for someone to enter several characters (including characters that can't be represented as C++ char type). ; Long strings are Previous Tip; Next Tip; Convert strings to character sets and vice versa #234. Delphi 2007 and earlier) where string = AnsiString. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 6 months ago. How to move forward Is there a Delphi function to split string by a multi-character delimiter rather than a single character ? For instance when I'd use that function this way: SplitString('Whale<->Mammal<->Ocean', '<->') I would get a result of these 3 strings: 'Whale', 'Mammal', 'Ocean' Is there such function in Delphi for this ? Use StrRScan or AnsiStrRScan, both in the SysUtils unit. txt Converting an AnsiString to Char* Category :VCL Platform :All Product :C++Builder 1. – Arnaud Bouchez. – Andreas Rejbrand. While Delphi 7 has 8-bit string type compatible with PAnsiChar, Delphi XE7 has 16-bit string type that is compatible with PChar. If I change the [0 to [1 it fails. Style), True); For going the other direction (string to Boolean), you'd have to do an actual function. For example, "ABCģķī" would result in "ABC&#291;&#311;&#299;"Now 2 basic things: Delphi 7 is non-Unicode, so I can't just write unicode chars Creates a string with one character repeated many times Function : StringReplace : Replace one or more substrings found within a string Function : StringToWideChar : Converts a normal string into a WideChar 0 terminated buffer Function : StrScan : Searches for a specific character in a constant string Function : StrToCurr : Convert a number Delphi string ARE null-terminated. Deleting every time a character out of a string is even more ineffitient, as the string (object) has to remove the character internally and adjust its array, etc. Or is the only way to strip out the comma first Delphi (independent of JCL) provides the same functionality through e. Send('HTMLString In this example, the Copy(str, 8, 5) call extracts a substring from str starting at index 8 (character 'W') and with a length of 5 characters. How does one escape characters in Delphi string. Strings are 1-based, not zero-based. So let us assume that you are either using a pre-Unicode Delphi version or that you are actually working with set of AnsiChar. By elimination of those constants by using the character order instead, Widestring to string conversion in Delphi 7. Notes: PChar is principally used when processing null-terminated (C-like) strings. The returned string will become totally mangled: the function returns AnsiString(1252) (AnsiString tagged as encoded using the current codepage) the return result is being stored in an AnsiString(65001) string (Utf8String) Delphi converts the UTF-8 encoded string into UTF-8 as though it was 1252. I can replace other characters but not #0. Question and Answer Database FAQ1360C. このトピックでは、Delphi ランタイム ライブラリに含まれているすべての型変換ルーチンの一覧を示します。 Readln(F, Line); Code := StrToInt('$' + Line); Ch := Char(Code); otherwise replace Char with WideChar. Note: I am using Delphi 7. With s[i] you get the letter at the corresponding position i of s. If you have things like: const FRED = 'Frédérick'; I'm pretty sure Delphi 2009/2010 will either issue charset hints (and apply a string conversion automatically - thus the hint) or fail at comparing ('Frédérick' is different in ISO-8859-1 than UTF-16). But later the default string was interpreted as a C type string. First they where provided as the PChar (pointer to char). One way is to make use of static method toString() in Character class:. Since a string is implemented as a pointer, what you fundamentally have is a pointer to a pointer. How can I convert a Unicode string to an AnsiString? 4. ; Assigning to a string copies the data, while a PChar is a pointer to memory. Commented Apr 24, 2011 at 8:36 I realise you have accepted an answer, but for future reference, the terms in your if tests are the wrong way around. 3. Indeed you are correct: string[#] are subtypes of ShortString. Is there a way to split a string by a line break? I would like something like the following: procedure Split (const Delimiter: Char; Input: string; const St try using these functions (which are part of the Character unit). ; So if we want to write a code compatible with all versions of Delphi, then it should Go Up to Working with Strings. I have a string containing letters, numbers and other chars. Now I use newer Delphi. Convert hex string to ansistring in Delphi 2010. Delete a section of characters from a string: DupeString: Creates a string containing copies of a substring: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: SetString: Copies characters from a buffer into a string: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string: StuffString The size of Char is 1 byte in Delphi 2007 and earlier, but is 2 bytes in Delphi 2009 and later. I wish to copy 256 chars from that point, and place them in a string. But my problem is that I can't remove Null Character using StringReplace(). TStringHelper can operate on any UnicodeString, no matter which settings are used Consider a string variable named s. Returns a string with a specified number of repeating characters. You still could use shortstrings: a: string[22]; b: ShortString; c: string; // C (Delphi) string With Delphi 2009, Unicode was introduced. 95; Str(RealValue:0:2,StringValue); // to display it in a label for example, it should be like this: Label1. : Notes: The ansi character set includes control characters such as Chr(27) meaning escape. str [1] returns the first character (as type Char) from the string. replace() only replaces one character. containsIgnoreCase(container, content); // I used to write like this in java. Again: there are no zero-based strings, only the way they are indexed is different. This question involves the same project from a previous question: Converting Integer to String crashes Injected Parent Process [Delphi]. Hero Member; Posts: And where do I, in this answer, mention that dynamic arrays can't be passed as open array parameter? I only mention that array of char as a parameter doesn't make the parameter a dynamic array but an open array one. Chr(65) gives 'A' Note that ^A is equivalent to Char(1). Today, Char = WideChar while AnsiChar is the old one-byte character type. I want to have each data record of equal size so I can quickly compute and jump to a certain record. SetString(AnsiStr, PAnsiChar(@ByteArray[0]), LengthOfByteArray); Description. I AnsiChar is an 8 bit character type, typically used to hold text encoded in the active code page. Which means that your set is in fact really set of AnsiChar. 1. 1 At least as far back as Delphi 5, a PWideChar could be assigned directly to an AnsiString, A couple years ago, the default character type in Delphi was changed from AnsiChar (single-byte variable representing an ANSI character) to WideChar (two-byte variable representing a UTF16 character. Sven,G. – David Heffernan. ExeName) returns only 'E'. Type-casting a UnicodeString to a RawByteString is exactly the same thing as type-casting a UnicodeString to an AnsiString, In Delphi, square brackets are used for sets. I need to search a pattern in a string, for example the old function is function IsMatchEx(const Source, Search:AnsiString; var Start:integer) : Integer;. SysUtils For mobile, you can use MarshaledAString instead of Pointer. Note: this code works only for non-Unicode versions of Delphi (i. The reason that all your characters had ordinal in the ASCII range is that UTF-16 extends ASCII in the sense that characters 0 to 127, in the ASCII range, have the same ordinal value in UTF-16. The tasks //If the current fmt character is a picture code, then write out the partial and start a new partial if IsDateFormatPicture(fmt[i]) then begin I want to store to disk some data records. Now each string was a Unicode string. Then that reason yet only applies for the character constants in your code, not for the input. Also, TEncoding. 5. IsWhiteSpace returns True if and only if the character is classified as being whitespace, according to the Unicode specification. In Delphi XE7, we are converting some values from string to bytes and from bytes to string using:. – Delete a section of characters from a string: DupeString: Creates a string containing copies of a substring: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: SetString: Copies characters from a buffer into a string: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string: StuffString If you want to convert in the other direction, and restricting the discussion to Delphi 7 for which Char, PChar, string are all ANSI data types you would use the following: To convert a null-terminated string to an AnsiString or native Delphi language string, use a typecast or an assignment. '9' : begin end; // No action else Key := #0; end; But the most versatile way is of course: I'm having trouble converting a string with escaped characters to and from a TJsonString. Hence AnsiUpperCase(s[j])[1] is of type char which is WideChar. If Variable is PAnsiChar then you should be using: Variable := PAnsiChar(editbox. It uses zero-based indexes. With s[i] you get the letter at the myChar := System. Something like "the original version was called Chr(), but then someone said, this would make more sense if we called it Char(), since it's basically a typecast to a Char, but we can't change it because there's lots of existing code that uses Chr() and that would break it, so we'll just put Delphi Char、Pchar 、String 相互转换. TCharacter. The only part that is different is direct character indexing of a string expression, ie. AsInteger // or use this Int:=123; Str=Int. Currently in a legacy code I have a set which I want to convert to array of string so i can pass this as a parameter for existing method. //Existing code to be used and converted const North = 'F'; Pay = 'P'; Lynk = 'L'; TCharSet = set of AnsiChar; MySet: convert string character to ascii in delphi. This string can then be passed to appropriate Windows GetNumberFormat or GetCurrencyFormat functions to perform the actual correct localization. @RemyLebeau: Actually, the DELETE and INSERT procedures (as well as COPY function) is always 1-based, if I'm not mistaken. However, WideCharToString() long predates UnicodeString, dating back all the way to at least Delphi 5 (maybe even earlier) when String was an alias for AnsiString instead. But such short strings are NOT the same than so called AnsiString. Delete(MyString, Index, NumChars); System. s[1] would be the first letter of s, because unlike an array, the counting of a string does not begin at 0 but starts with 1. ' s := Copy(s, 1, 40); // Now s is 'This is a string containing a lot of cha' Let's get a few things straight. But I'm confused about them. this works fine when the characters are single bytes, but are not optimal when characters are 16 bit unicode. The extracted substring is then stored in the subStr variable. Incompatible types: 'WideChar' and 'Char' delphi 7. Better use for in so you are safe for future Delphi's. -Howard If you are using Delphi 2009 or higher, you should let the RTL do the conversion for you: type Latin1String = type AnsiString(28591); // codepage 28591 = ISO-8859-1 var utf8: UTF8String; latin1: Latin1String; begin utf8 := ; // your source UTF-8 string latin1 := Latin1String(utf8); end; Edit 1: Changed title from 'AnsiString' to 'AnsiChar', as it was a typo. This is robosoft's suggestion. I want to remove from that string all numbers, dots and commas. In worst case there is always a fallback to the For this I need to convert the Integer into a String, because if I don't do this, I got the error: Incompatible types: got "LongInt" expected "AnsiString" Then I want to know how I can convert a Integer into a String? As Mason Wheeler points out all is fine as long as you don't have non-ANSI characters in your string const. st: string[3]; will always create a fixed-length "short string" with the current Ansi Code Page / Char Set, since Delphi 2009. When I compile, I get these 2 warnings: The MultiByteToWideChar Windows API function (Win32/Win64) is defined in Delphi or FreePascal in the Windows unit; just add Windows or Winapi. A TMemo for example will show your data till the first 0 byte. 8. The following code works for me in D2007 and Delphi XE: var x : array[0. Before: 'Axis moving to new position - X-Pos: 5. What I should do to make the newline work? Delphi How To Convert String To Binary Using Only Pascal [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. Delphi - Byte array to string. For We should keep in mind some things: String in Delphi is 0-based for mobile platforms and 1-based for Windows. str := '''test string'''; Writeln(str) In the string above, you have the normal single quotation to start a string and then two for the single quote. For example: originalString: var c: char; s: string; begin s := 'A'; c := s[1]; end; Here you have a string with the content "A", which we convert to a char with the content "A". On Rad Studio XE4 I am told that TCharacter is deprecated and to use System. (If you still need the "real" Ansi version, use the AnsiStrings unit. Actually I don't need the result value, I just wanna know if the pattern match with the string or not. So the first thing you need to do 1. If you write set of Char in a modern Delphi version, the compiler will "helpfully" interpret that as set of AnsiChar and give you a warning. Delphi strings are essentially C-style strings with an additional header. Why a function was ever needed, I do not know. In Delphi, and Pascal before it, the string data type has reserved element 0. This means that I now add System. IntToStr ( x ) returns the string representation of To extract a character from a string in Delphi 7, you can use the indexing notation as follows: Declare a string variable to hold the original string from which you want to extract a character. x Question: I am trying to convert a String to char* but keep receiving the error: "Cannot cast from System::AnsiString to Char*". Now, using the Win32 function GetKeyNameText already mentioned in the Q, it is You can directly access a string like it was a character array in Delphi: MyString[Index] := NewChar; For multiple character deletions and inserts, the System unit provides Delete and Insert:. If you really want to copy the UTF-8 octets as-is into UnicodeString characters, you are best off looping through the RawByteString manually instead. 6. Routines that deal with null-terminated strings use the null-termination to determine the length of the string. The details of the structure of a string is available in the Delphi help. sUnicodeString is a Delphi string which by default is a unicode string. It then copies TargetSize-1 characters from there to the TargetBuffer, adding a terminating 0 to the end. with Delphi 2009, s := PAnsiChar(Application. WideChar is a 16 bit character type that holds text encoded in UTF-16. Therefore, either way, you need to convert s to UTF-8 encoding. It looks like a case of duplicate functionality, probably for historical reasons. Of course the code can be compressed a little bit, but I left this out for clarity. public static String toString(char c) { return String. MAX_PATH] of Char; VolumeSerialNumb (NOTE: In Delphi 2010 I seem to recall that strings may now be delimited with either single or double quote chars, although I do not recall off-hand whether this extends to char literals (as distinct from single character strings. It can also be used to point to characters within a string, as in the example code. You can use it in your last example like this: TextVal := BoolToStr((fsBold in Can. There is not code page for short strings. The optional FormatProvider parameter determines the parsing rules and is beyond the scope of this article. TStringHelper is not written to operate on zero-based strings. And you cannot type-cast a plain PAnsiChar/Pointer to a TBytes and expect it to work correctly, a dynamic array has extra metadata that a plain pointer does not have, and TEncoding. There's no need for the array to be null-terminated. It used to be the length of the array for Pascal and may still be for short strings (less than 255 in length). abc I want to have a-bc ab-c a-b-c Below is my test, but not correct: procedure TForm1. I can clearly see that the above Unicode character is inside the string because when I send the string with CodeSite I can see it in the CodeSite Live Viewer: CodeSite. Zero-length strings Go Up to Data Types, Variables, and Constants Index. – String type is 1-based. channelList: TStringList; aCurrentChannel := Stringreplace(channelList. It will return a value less than 0 if the first argument appears first, asciibetically, and it will return a value greater than zero if the first argument belongs after the second. Description. RawByteString inherits the codepage of whatever source string is assigned to it. AnsiChar is type that can store only single character and it makes no sense here. Character. Between strings of unequal length, each character in the longer string without a corresponding character in the shorter string takes on a greater-than value. See Also. I used to use HYPERSTR library for string processing routine. For Delphi 20009 and later use TSysCharSet instead of TCharSet and replace all occurrences of string with AnsiString. PWideChar should be PAnsiChar instead. Unicode. The PChar type is a pointer to an Char value. Delphi 2009 has changed its string type to use 2 bytes to represent a character, which allows support for unicode char sets. C# uses an array. Long strings are reference-counted, while PChars are not. CodePage 0 maps to the user's default OS codepage, which could be anything. In the latter case, the code will put UTF-16 data into the bytearray, but will only copy half of the characters. Try the following, after adding StrUtils to your Uses list (for DupeString): MyString : String; MyString := '12345'; Caption := So how do I convert a single string character to a char? Use the string as a character array (1-based), and use the index of the character you want to use in the case statement. So, I store the only string in my record as an array of chars: type TFileNameIO = array[1. And since the question complains he can't use "SetLength" in the DoArray function, it suggests that what he wants isn't an open array I developed the following function to convert strings to hex values. This is driving me crazy. The resulting substring, 'World', is then shown in a message box using the ShowMessage function. Without CompareStr, you might have code like this: The OP wants the key names fully localised, but for completeness I first show that the VCL already has a function to obtain a partly unlocalised string, namely, ShortCutToText in the Menus unit:. MyString := TEncoding. The following illustrates the solution, assign your string to a variable pointer to a constant array of char (a string is a constant pointer to a constant array of char - plus length info): #include <iostream> void Swap(const char * & left, const char * & right) { const char *const temp = left; left = right; right = temp; } int main() { const Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Delphi does not "REQUIRE" a string builder class, but one is provided for Delphi 2009 if you so desire to use it. The StrToInt function came with later versions of Delphi, probably they just used the existing pascal functions to "create" these "new" functions. Button2Click( Delphi strings are encoded internally as UTF-16. Caption := StringValue + ' is a Real Value!'; end; RawByteString is primarily meant to be used only in parameters for functions that are codepage-agnostic and accept any AnsiString(N) type as input. This topic describes the string data types available in the Delphi language. – Remy Lebeau In Delphi, a character in the string can be indexed using the array notation. Ideally you cast your string into PChar and work with that, while checking the char-range "manually". text). The rest of my application uses Delphi’s native string type; since I’m working with Delphi 2010, that will map to a UnicodeString. My guess is that only wish to support single byte character sets. valueOf(c); } It depends on the Delphi version you are using. Is there a correct way to do this? Init( msg: PCHAR) var myStr: String; begin for i:= 1 to 256 do begin myStr[i] := msg[i-1]; end; end; Use CompareStr not when you just want to see whether two strings are equal, but when you want to know how one string compares relative to another. String in old versions of Delphi is AnsiString (1-byte per char) and WideString in new versions (2-bytes per char). It has a maximum of 255 characters (depending on the #), and the encoding is undetermined (i. Your example of s := s + 'some string'; is a typical method of concatinating strings and has been used in Pascal/Delphi for the past few decades without any significant problems. Converting UTF8 to ANSI (ISO-8859-1) in Delphi. Text,Char(13)+Char(10),',',[rfReplaceAll]); but the last character is coming as , like 1,2, is there anyway to avoid that? var c: char; s: string; begin s := 'A'; c := s[1]; end; Here you have a string with the content "A", which we convert to a char with the content "A". To convert string you should refer to string type conversions. n can be converted into column names A-ZZZ). Windows to the uses clause. Unicode string can contain surrogate pairs (especially emoticons). For example, you can use this method to convert boolean, character, signed, and unsigned integers of various sizes I have a simple function that converts a number to a string (similar to how Excel column numbers 1. These are routines for strings (AnsiString and UnicodeString), wide strings (), and null-terminated strings (). When an AnsiString is cast into a unicode string, should I expect to see two bytes per character in the unicode string? Description. 'Z', 'a'. function Trim(const s: string; const c: array of Char): string; // Replace `s[x] = c` with `CharInArray(s[x], c)`. . The following code converts strings into character sets and vice-versa. e. For example, the 'á' character is 160 (dec) or A0 (hex). That's a valid assumption for many character sets, for example the single byte western character sets like 1252. NET string For Delphi, the RTL provides many specialized string-handling routines specific to a string type. Insert(NewChars, MyString, Index); Converting a RawByteString to a UnicodeString after forcing the RawByteString's codepage 0 is asking for data lose. Some of the differences between strings and PChars can make conversions problematic: . Converts Delphi types into a AnsiString. A solution you can use is: case key of 'A'. Font. FullMemo := txtFistMemo. i wrote my own CurrToDecimalString and FloatToDecimalString which convert numbers into the Yes you can convert string (an alias for UnicodeString) to the COM WideString, but this is a waste of time and resources. Edit 2: Added POC code that demonstrates crash. Find a character you know will not be used in the original text (e. 1、String 与 PChar 转换 1. Text What I got is the content of txtFirstMemo the character \n, not a newline, and the content of txtDetails. Combine String and Character in Delphi. What you have to do (and you gave the answer yourself), is replacing non viewable characters with a dummy. If you are using Pos(), why are you also using the for loop is stepping through the string char-by-char? Seems pointless to me, if you understand string processing. I've found a lot from searching the web, but all seem to have their own issues and I haven't been able to get any of them to work. 2. C. For a new line: var s: string; begin s := 'This is a string containing a lot of characters. xarioc hgic kqshsw yhl cey mskpmv dzlvvji aveh cwtr hypyk