Old jungle items lol reddit I kinda do like the green/red/blue traits and smites though. Runeglaive (old AP jungle item) on Ezreal it gave him aoe damage on his q and also I belive it converted the ad damage into magic damage or something like that. The official subreddit for Graves mains in League Of Legends. After minion exp and gold got reduced for junglers, they just reversed it and had the hyper carry go mid and jungle Taric take support item to execute minions. It used to be always red smite, but it looks like most people are either playing blue or green smite. cho jungle relies way too much on skill shots for ganks, literally if you miss like half your q you cant gank + cho has terrible mobility. You should definitely be taking blue smite in any case. For me, when I play league now, it feels like I'm playing versus items instead of champions. TL;DR: The items are to make slow clearers liek Nautilus faster. Related League of Legends Real-time strategy MOBA Strategy video game Gaming forward back r/leagueoflegends This is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends. There were like four or five of them, each giving you +5 gold per 10 sec. I love aurelion and all, but asking to do well on him and to jungle is too much. So I wanted to try buying the jungle item on ap Kog maw, as his biggest issue is mana. Members Online Keep the auto-upgrade trinkets, but please give us back the option to get the old yellow trinket for 250g again. Also, Kai'sa being down there is weird. the hextek items seemed better to me in the ganks, both the roket belt and the night harvester. I want them to revert the jungle item change and go with some kind of hybrid approach where you still build jungle item first, but it subsequently builds into any of the mythics in the applicable class(es). Never farm and just use support item to share creeps. You are right, I think though, that naturally strong jungle clearers like Udyr should still be able to take boots first, you just might not be at quite as high health at levels 3-4 when you start ganking. Most people don’t have the health to make liandries as good first item just yet, so it does fine as second item, the only reason you get liandrie’s over blackfire first is for the health, but since the clear with blackfire is just that good you are going to get it sooner with blackfire first anyways. And finally leagues support items, and Jungle pets, is very unique but maybe more coverable in role system differences than items. Evelyn's jungle path involved dying on purpose in jungle, instantly using Revive, and going to continue farming or ganking with the bonus HP from using Revive. Ganking it's hard but if you are good doing w+e it's a free flash, just run with Predator and ghost. Riot's Goal of "Build Diversity" has been achieved on less than a Quarter of League's Champion Roster and some Champions even lost some of their Diversity. Conversely, if you’re behind, it feels like absolute dogshit because your engage heavily relies on you being ahead (either in the form of a LOT of damage or some tanky items). I'm choosing Lich Bane personally. Thats the risk Riot wants you to think about, I guess. Members Online Warmog's passive works at level 9 with Doran's Item + Overgrowth + Double scaling Jungle item heal buffs, small camp timers on minimap, which btw is my least favourite change as that deletes a major skill from jungling imo, knowing the timers lol. No awkward jungle specific item that restricts your build path. Members Online. Similar to Bramble Vest in LoL that builds into thornmail. EDIT: I just remembered what support was like back then. i played him predator to have fun tho, can help if you miss your q, you just rundown someone and then e them to death Old items were also wack. he has a great clear tho, not fast but a very easy one. With the old jungle items you could clear raptors and red at the same time lvl 1 (not sure if its still viable) so start blue to have enough mana. They can be upgraded twice via feeding the pet with treats: you feed your pet 1 treat every time you kill a large monster at 2:30 and every minute afterwards you gain 1 treat stored (buff bar, stacks up). The items I miss the most are probably the first version of Athenes and the Catalyst version of Rod of Ages, they were really good support items as well. THE ITEMS: I like to build kench like an AD bruiser. The jungle Item would alleviate thos jungle skirmishes when in the river. As for which item is best on who. Move speed scales down the more you have, but it makes your q start faster and thus it "snowballs" just like nunu w and it heavily increases your q range and speed, also increases your r engage range. I wanted to make a Mega List of all the Broken items/abilities throughout League of Legends History. since i recently went down the Nostalgia-road when stumbling upon old screenshots, i looked up some old and removed items with and wanted to share with you guys. Fiora Laurent is an unparalleled duelist from Demacia, and the most feared duelist in all Valoran. We do agree that there are risks to people taking camps early and overall meta risks - however these exist with any specific mechanic set including jungle items, and bluntly, if we just ported the items over it would have minimal effect due to the way other systems operate and overall game speed. im probably kinda known as a "dota good league bad" spammer here but a lot of the decisions league makes to the moba genuinely frustrate me and burnt me out of their main mode only a year Emberknife/Hailblade by far. Subreddit for Fiora Mains, a League of Legends (LOL) Champion. I was wondering which jg item(pet) would be the best to choose from. Up-to-date stats, passives, actives, and gold costs. They are categorized and labeled for different game modes, these labels are: Classic 5v5; Summoner's Rift ARAM; Howling Abyss FGM Exclusive; Featured game mode Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences. Members Online Warmog's passive works at level 9 with Doran's Item + Overgrowth + Double scaling one idea would be be to give junglers a homeguard-like movement speed buff from base for the 1st & 2nd tier jungle item (basically kinda like the speed buff when the game starts) so you wont waste that much buff & jungle time. I was wondering how much of the playerbase likes the mythic items over the old items. I know nobody really jungles her, but when she was released she had jungle items as recommended items, and the devs explicitly said they wanted her to be viable ADC or jungle. On paper jungle is definitely more noob friendly and more forgiving than ever, obviously previous changes shift in value since all games are different and certain old changes would jungle pets weren't a fail lmao they've helped make clears more consistent for more champs, they add aoe damage to bring single target champions into the jungle and help add build paths for junglers without aoe in their kit, the pets have helped a lot with getting more champions into the jungle who were previously jungle viable like morgana, twitch, zeri, sylas, etc Ive played about 6 games of the new preseason (all norms) and in every one of them i seem to fall well behind in CS in the jungle (around 25-40 behind by 15 mins) even when playing decent clearing champs like warwick. Berzerkers are by far the most common boots but Swifties outperform them in a lot of cases. While this is by no means a complete guide, and I wouldn't for the life of me consider posting it as one, see for yourself if you can find any good The upgraded items from machete, madreds razors and sightstone are also great upgrades that not only BOOST your jungle speed, but also build into solid post-jungle items, such as Spirit of the golem thingy (forgot name D:). Jungle will be behind, but not horribly so. 3 jungle items now, all new, costing 450g up form 350g and will add a untargetable pet helping you to clear the jungle. To compensate, they made clearing the jungle healthier at a baseline with the omnivamp change to the jungle items. Tiamat+Shyvanna In the current state of jungle you can learn jungle by just full clearing everything all the time until you finish your jungle item. 7. 2M subscribers in the leagueoflegends community. Does anyone else feel like it's going to be more of a pro play only option with a few outliers is solo queue? It just reminds me of the old warding jungle item where everyone in pro play took it and basically only lee sin took it in solo queue Started playing in 2010 and i would say i do miss parts of the game from the earlier days. I’m not complaining though. 16K subscribers in the GravesMains community. Just depends on what stat you want. i also tried item bami's, they are not bad options, both turbo and frostfire are great options. New items. Anyone else miss blasting people with DFG, or… Hey r/LeagueofLegends, . I. A rioter mentioned something about them preferring not to nerf op and strong items if said items have low PRs, because they balance heavily around perception too, which is why high pickrates and banrates are nerf magnets. It just happened to me in a game. It Steals 20% of the enemy's move speed that you use it on, meaning you gain 20% and they lose 20%, giving you a 40% move speed advatage, factor this into your kiit which is designed to out-run, or catch up with people, a rylei's scepter and whatever other move speed bonus' you get, blue smite is definitely the better option. In combination with the kiting nerfs, it definitely feels a lot more painful. 30 votes, 19 comments. Gwen should be much better in lower mmrs, like B1 as you mentioned, because games take longer there due to players struggling to snowball / punish correctly. Haven’t kept up with league in a while. For the past few months, I've been maining jungling on League of Legends. this means you need to pick and choose your battles to make sure you’re not putting yourself in a situation where you might be throwing a lead Posted by u/ZombieOfun - 8 votes and 55 comments I love Vi. Jungles run around calculating most likely chance to get gold lead all game every game. I'm level 21 i started lol about 4 days ago, i'm really enjoying it so far but there's this one thing that kind of annoy me… one idea would be be to give junglers a homeguard-like movement speed buff from base for the 1st & 2nd tier jungle item (basically kinda like the speed buff when the game starts) so you wont waste that much buff & jungle time. AP voli is overrated in my opinion, yes it's strong but it feels wrong. And now that Sunfire is no longer a Mythic you can now actually build sunfire. So u Hi, My thanks for the reply ! Nashor’s delays the power spikes of the items you actually want. This is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends. Early game creeps give junglers very little exp this season due to the jungle item penalty (it's basically not worth it for you to share lane exp early game at all unless your laner will be absolutely fucked by you not helping him push out), so if you got some your early CS via creep kills whereas your opponent farmed more jungle monsters they In comparison to the other 2 this feels weak to me and very niche for only a couple of champs. They sometimes buff "ok" and strong items primarily to get eyes on the items and not to actually make them stronger. And works way better than the clunky inconsistent AI of the pets. Leasing and aggro mechanic changed. The old heals were overpowered, especially late game. Taking that in account, there will be a higher concentration of won games when you check two-item builds. Plus I think that even mixing old one and new one, in a way where you have to buy an item that actually takes a slot, that then gives you jungle pet/passive or whatever they want it to be, and then something else like old jungle items(ad, ap, hp, atk speed), would fix some of the “jungle is broken” problems, cause right now smite passive is Talisman and Machete definitely felt 100% better than the current jungle items in terms of clear. take ivern as supp, but take smite and jungle item amd perma roam, stealing the enemies jungle. Then the old economy items were fun too, because anybody could buy them. Tons of DPS with your Sheen proc and ability haste for jungle clearing, objective taking, turrets. Especially if you get in a crab fight or die in an early game it's a great play to keep your team from tilting and considering how strong a lot of new champs are in the early game I'd say its probably her strongest advantage in the early game besides a spike in gank power at level 6 and her first few items (ap) or sheen and a defensive item (ad) I main jungle. Basically it’s a regular jungle item that burns the camps and gives healing etc, but because jUngle was so unpopular they made a little “pet” thing that follows ur champ around. Basically if everybody else could rush those but Junglers still had to go for their Jungle Enchantment they would feel weaker. The main justification for buying it is that it helps you clear faster, but if it takes you 10 minutes to buy it, and decreases your full clear by 30 seconds, you’ve made your first clear worse by 9:30. Winrate is a perfect 50%. The value of conqueror is more damage and sustain in long fights, and Jak’sho poppy excels at making fights long. Old Blade of the Ruined King. Phantom Daners used to give dodge. but only after a recall and not after respawn. Some include jungle pathing, recommended items in game (this was added a little while ago by riot so a little useless now), it’ll show player ranks, how they play such as aggressive laner or OTP or for junglers it’ll show which lane they usually gank first based on last 30 games. That way you can sit on the item while building something crucial for your build. She is a good counter to Yi also since once you get some items your Q cooldown is pretty low. But as a top laner I just safely farm and play for my junglers prio/rotations instead of mindlessly dying to a counter matchup on repeat while spam pinging. Our Champions are no longer cool and unique Characters, but Tools that we use to deliver passive Item Effects. Except for asol. The AD jungle item is probably the most common. A staple of playing jungle for years and years has been the ability to hit your one item spike before any laner can. This is ironic because Jg healing was much better last season, especially for junglers with good clears. Although that said, they are all good options. Not only that, but support items are getting buffed to allow for more control wards, etc. On paper jungle is definitely more noob friendly and more forgiving than ever, obviously previous changes shift in value since all games are different and certain old changes would /r/summonerschool is a League of Legends subreddit dedicated to helping others learn and improve. Members Online In Depth Karthus Jungle Guide including Runes, Items, Jungle routes, and tips and tricks! Now, jungle keeps jungle warded, carefully picks up camps when they can, focuses on bottom jungle. Left items: Are locked until you reach level 9, because they’re powerful, temporary tools that would be too strong early game (or too high risk/high reward to not be considered trolling). By then your clear will be so fast that you will have downtime in between spawning camps, so you'll have to find something to do. /r/summonerschool is a League of Legends subreddit dedicated to helping others learn and improve. The old Item System wasn't perfect but it was stable and worked fine. Sunfire Capes used to stack. Blade Armor could also have a component that gives a weakened version of its passive damage reflect. With championships industry-wide, unmatched viewership hours, and extensive benefits packages for players and staff, Cloud9 prides itself on being the best in all categories. fandom. If you post some in the comments I will add them if you have video confirmation. Currently on my list of champs to jungle with that don't belong in the jungle are maokai, Kaisa, galio, and pantheon. I found myself really missing Sword of the Divine and Hextech Gunblade today. I died while fighting the enemy jungler in herald and as soon as I died I sold a health pot, then, because the herald died, my jungle item upgraded and I pressed undo because I wanted the pot back and ended up with an upgraded smite, but with the jungle item in my inventory with no stacks. 61 votes, 62 comments. At some point Revive (old summoner spell) / Teleport Evelyn and Karthus were meta. If a champ cannot jungle, I will make it happen. However, there are still plenty of jungle champions that run into some HP issues, especially when piloted by newer junglers who don't clear very well, so it's quite worthwhile to learn how jungle kiting works regardless. However, when we check those who built 2 items, 45 out of those 50 winners did, while only 30 out of those 50 losers got to build two items. The value of phase rush is really in having mobility to replace durability lost by going sunderer. Riot made it their goal to make jungling more accessible and in a way, they did by narrowing the gap between the bad and good junglers. Movement speed for extra jungle clearing speed and better ganking and counterganking. 14 votes, 24 comments. You can engage with her, or protect your carries. Specifically champion design from the 2012-16 era, items/runes/skill tree, and also when there were more modes to play which was nice. Lets recap shortly: Big monsters in camps are now stronger. The Reason they removed the old Jungle Items was to allow Junglers to rush the (at the Time) brand new Mythic Items. Bruiser shyvana was a terrorist in the old spear of shojin days, it still works just go Frostfire, BOTRK, spear, and titanic and then itemize after that with defensives (I don’t mean build the items in the order I gave, starting BOTRK would probably be best). Stackable Black Cleavers. After shoes go the trusty stridebreaker and deadmans build. At this time, Cloud9 fields professional teams in League of Legends, Counter-Strike 2, VALORANT, Starcraft 2, TEKKEN, Super Smash Bros. Currently lvl 11 with about 20 games under my belt, almost all as lux in mid or support role, meanwhile looking for a video… Any chance you guys can consider tweaking how stacks of the jungle item are generated? With both junglers taking longer to upgrade their smites cause you need 40 and the stacks being tied to actually killing the large monster of each champ, I find that the jungler whose team is behind struggles to get their smite to 1200 as their camps inevitably get poached by both enemies and their own Welcome to r/KaynMains! This subreddit is dedicated to the one and only, the Edge Lord himself, Kayn, the Shadow Reaper and his not-so-trusty companion, Rhaast, The Darkin Scythe. Like 90% of the time you built the the same items regardless of match-up. See full list on leagueoflegends. Magic damage dealer will buy the Blue gem, Physical dmage dealer will buy the Red gem, and tanks will buy the Green gem. Feel free to discuss all things related… Red, blue and green items to the right: Are jungle items, you must pick Smite summoner spell in champion select, if you want to buy them. An example: imagine 100 Udyr games, with 50W - 50L. Feel free to… So I am still not for or against the new items yet, but I am fully against the jungle item,sat night I was trying to play Lillia jungle but something… however someone might feel about other things, dota's fluid lane structure and items will always have an edge on league of legends, as far as im concerned. the aegis with the rilay and demonic embrace is a great combo, but extremely expensive for the current jungle meta 42 votes, 49 comments. Changes also in jungle were much slower and much more incremental. After 10 minutes, you can get your other summoner spell back by selling the item and then paying 1k gold but once sold you cannot purchase it again for rest of game. It’s tiny and barely noticeable but they wanted more ppl to play the role. When you invade bottom jungle mid and bot collapse for two kills. Me changing from a jungle main to a top lane main. (also it makes farming camps inbetween faster, and the stacked item effect is also somewhat interesting) So I know that there exists a lane Minion Farming penalty. Melee, Halo, and Teamfight Tactics. Even better just reverse the way jungle items restrict you. Jungle role is ensuring objective and preview what lane has the most potential to carry U don’t have to gank all lane, you need to gank your carry (if possible) and try to follow enemy jng gank to prevent a 2v1 for your laner If u think one lane is too lost, don’t spend time on it🤷🏼 If you see you fucked up something try to not tilt and turn around the situation If you see your top thats why i love jungling back in the day, you are playing all 3 lanes by mastering understanding of lane dynamics like when to push when they overextend where they are positioned where the enemy jungler is what champion you have and so on, lanes are the same way, as a top laner you should have awareness of your bot lane and mind lane as much as your own lane and that goes for all lanes but So with the new items and the Jungle being easier now Leona is a lot more Viable now. The thing that cucks her from Jungle is clear speed. For boots Swiftness can be good but tabi or merc are more often useful Gwen jgl can solo carry more easily than other champs but she mostly needs to get her items. Or worse. All you get is a mini heal after killing each camp. I'm dead ass at 65-70% win rate with this strategy. Hi there folks, Not sure if anyone else feels the same but the current state of Singed feels quite wrong lately. Jungle ganks a bit more. Buffs to boxes as well as the return of a good hydra item mean that you don't need the raw AS for camp clearing, and you generally don't need it for fights unless you are fighting some chonky boys that don't die in the first few seconds. You have an AD, AP, and HP option. Especially compared to old voli On the plus side tho, you practically build anything and it'll work. Try blue. Instead of being unbuyable without smite, it instead forces your leftmost spell to smite when you purchase the item. Seems like a nobrainer. 100% chance to get X camp gold and Y camp XP is a better value proposition right now than say 25% chance to get first blood and 75% chance. Plus with Gauntlet now being a sheen items she is even better full tank. R. Stormsurge/Shadowflame/Lich Bane are first items now. Items. Pages in category "Jungle items" The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total. It's so busted rn. Then if i'm fed I like to do DD and if i'm not i buy DMP or Visage. The jungle build is pretty much the same as lane Garen, only difference is you should rush bezerker greaves, as they will help you gank. That, with the new item leaks means tanks will probably have more agency early on so they don't get gigarolled by some of these level 2/3 cheese invades. And finally Dota2s consumable system is far more influential on gameplay than leagues, partly due to many of leagues runes targeting sustain whereas dota it's all from innate abilities, items or consumables. I would still go for a lvl 2 gank because the old Camille jungle played largely around that in similar fashion to J4 lvl 2 ganks, and a successful level 2 gank should get you prio for the side you ganked on or both sides if mid. The performance of our beloved gasman over the past few months in terms of win rate and KDA on platinum+ elo has sunk in the jungle (>30% win rate), struggled in the top lane (49-51%) and has only shined in the mid lane (+51-55%!) where honestly it seems more of an immature meta There are no Jungle items. Similar to Executioners culling in LoL that build into Mortal Reminder for a stronger anti-heal effect. I build blue jungle item with green enchant then I go Tiamat and Trinity 80% of the times. Starting a jungle item, getting it consumed as fast as possible, and then buying a support item is going to be possibly the most gold efficient item build in the game, as both combined only cost 750 gold. Just recognize your role in the team, you're a bear so act like one lol It sounds like riot wants the jungle clear to be pretty consistently timed across the roster to keep it in line with laner's XP pace. Jungle. And also the old infinite stacking jungle item, I can remember the good times with it on Udyr where you disappeared in the jungle for like 30 minutes and powerfarm and become this In old season we had powerful jungle items that just worked against jungle monsters but allowed some funny things because item was powerful you could jungle with anything. Hey guys I saw someone post something on Reddit about the old league of legends. The old jungle item gave you passive healing! The new jungle item gives no healing. Then Titanic Hydra, warmog. She's very playable in the jungle, so long as your laners have some cc. Bot freezes lane and keeps adc from getting xp and gold. true. On-demand burst for objective stealing and ganks. From jungling that much I've learned a lot of tips and tricks which I think could help many of you aspiring pros. P Leviathan. Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! All in-game items for League of Legends, including mythics, legendary, starting items, and consumables. Nowadays junglers can’t build jungle and support item, smite leveling up to its full 1200 dmg requires a jungle item and laners killing jungle camps gives reduced gold for this very But for jg specifically, divine sunderer and tank items can never hurt. com This is a list of all items in League of Legends that are currently, or have been used in the game at some point of time. I've been playing since season 3, and I feel like itemization is really stale at the moment. What I mean is: -old rune pages -old yorick + mord ult (RIP) -no blast cone -2 bf swords for IE Do I have to go on? Lol I just want to hear other old league of legends things I may have missed and what you miss/don’t like about league rn Have a good day <3 75 votes, 72 comments. Personally i cant believe the ap jungle item (something echo) existed for as long as it did, returning like 20% missing mana on procs, while the ad one was just pretty much a bf sword with 10% cdr (maybe im misremembering) Read the item tool tips. he do is one of the best at securing objectives but he clearly isnt as jungling. Plus being able to hop walls to counter jungle is great. I do miss old jungle items sometimes though but there was no diversity for many laners. xwc curekj ychajr gjnx wwpdmi ptlo ziiov wvcaih bdhqf itxun